Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Q. Word Philosophy derived from two Greek words Philos & Sophia.

Q. Philos means Love and Sophia means Wisdom.

Q. So, Philosophy means love of wisdom.

Q. Philosophy is theory of Education

Q. The application of philosophy in education may be selection of objectives.

Q. Philosophy and education are the two sides of a coin according to Ross

Q. An important question of philosophy is What is universe.

Q. The objectives of education come from Philosophy.

Q. To seek the truth and reality is the subjects of Philosophy.

Q. The function of philosophy is

1. To state the value

2. To set the goals

3. To lead human beings to new path

Q.  Being science of wisdom, Philosophy aims at Search for reality.

Q. Fichte Said: The art of education will never attain complete cleaners without philosophy.

Q. Fichte Said: Philosophy is the science of knowledge.

Q. Education should reflect social and economic consideration.

Q. Education is the best source for the propagation of Philosophy.

Q. Normally philosophy may be Prescriptive and Speculative.

Q. Philosophy is at the roof of political thought.

Q. Speculative Philosophy deals with Developing a Theory.

Q. Prescriptive philosophy deals with Right or wrong.

Q. The primary focus of philosophy is knowledge of Universe.

Q. Authentic knowledge is gained through Empirical experience.

Q. Analytical Philosophy deals with Assessment.

Q. Axiology in Philosophy deals with Values.

Q. The knowledge that is related to values is Axiology.

Q. Ethics and aesthetics are components of values Axiology.

Q. The study of goodness is referred to as Axiology.

Q. Axiological Aspect relates to Descriptive Philosophy.

Q. Epistemology in Philosophy deals with knowledge.

Q. Etymological definition of a word shows its derivation from Greek/Latin.

Q. Epistemology important because it is fundamental to how we think.

Q. Ontology is also called as Metaphysics.

Q. Metaphysics deals with the nature of Reality.

Q. Ontology in Philosophy deals with Reality

Q. Ontology is the metaphysical study of Nature of being and existence.

Q. Perennialism focus is on Everlasting Realization.

Q. Idealism gives insight mind and soul

Q. Idealism is teacher centred

Q. Idealism realizes on Ideas and metaphysical world

Q. Idealism rests on the ideas of Plato.

Q. Lecture method is a choice of Idealist teacher

Q. Class room environment will be teacher centred according to Idealists.

Q. What cannot be thought cannot be real is according to Idealism.

Q. Eclecticism means borrowing belief from different philosophies

Q. Aristotle disagreed from Plato with respect to Ideas are the real

Q. Aristotle’s teaching became the foundation of Realism.

Q. Naturalism rests on the ideas of Rousseau.

Q. Nature itself is real according to Naturalism.

Q. The Universe of natural objects is believed as ultimate reality by Naturalists.

Q. Realism rests on the ideas of Aristotle.

Q. Realism concerns with reality of Universe.

Q. Pragma means Practical.

Q. For instruction pragmatist teacher rely heavily on Problem solving and project method.

Q. Pragmatism pertains with change as a Reality.

Q. Pragmatism rests on the ideas of Dewey.

Q. Concept of reconstruction was originated by John Dewey.

Q. Most of scientific knowledge Sense perception.

Q. Seeking expert opinion knowledge called Authority.

Q. Knowledge acquired through reasoning is called Rationalism.

Q. In intuition, knowledge is acquired by Inner feeling.

Q. Philosophy of education which focuses on useful culture and skills is called Essentialism.

Q. The Essentialists would education from Traditions.

Q. Essentialists stress upon Mental Discipline.

Q. Essentialist philosophy of education Content and teacher centred.

Q. Essentialism aims to develop students Intellectual values.

Q. Perennialism is an educational philosophy of Old values.

Q. Philosophy of education which emphasizes everlasting reality Perennialism.

Q. Human nature remains the same everywhere according to Perennialism.

Q. Reforms are necessary in all walks of life is focused in Reconstructionism.

Q. Essentialists get their aim of education from Traditions.

Q. The “back-to-basics” movement is mostly associated with Essentialism.

Q. Lecture method is considered important in Perennialism.

Q. Philosophy of education which makes man responsible for his actions and experiences a

     Called Existentialism.

Q. Study of great books is at the core of Perennialism

Q. Who believes experimental knowledge is real Progressivism.

Q. The term Pragmatism is also sometimes called Progressivism.

Q. The school should be run on democratic lines according to Progressivism.

Q. Life is continuous changing process is based on educational philosophy Progressivism.

Q. The curriculum will be child centred if teacher is Progressivist.

Q. Learning should be directly related to the interest of the child to Progressivism.

Q. For the learning of students Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on Practical education.

Q. Jean Paul Sarte, Heidigger, Kierkegaard are associated with existentialism.

Q. The nature of reality for Existentialists is Subjective.

Q. The word ‘pragmatism’ is derived from the word ‘pragma’ which means Action.

Q. In existentialism man is responsible for his action and experiences personal freedom.

Q. In existentialism personal choice and creativity are recognize of individual

Q. Existentialist methods focus on the Individual.

Q. Existentialist give no more importance to Examination.

Q. Education can be defined best as Growth resulting from experience.

Q. Change in behaviour through experiences is called Learning.

Q. According to ‘John Dewey’, education is Learning to do, By doing.

Q. The basic source of educational objectives is Human experience.

Q. The goal of education should be Acquiring knowledge, skills, habits

Q. The primary responsibility for determining the aim education should be Society.

Q. The emphasis in the classroom should be on the needs of individual child.

Q. The term pragmatism derives its origin from Greek.

Q. Nature of scientific knowledge rest on 1. Empiricism 2. Experimentation  3. Repetition

Q. According to Naturalism, the aim of education Self Expression.

Q. Logical and scientific thinking include Value system.

Q. Aims of education are used for the process of education to 1. Motivate 2. Direct  3. Progress

Q. The function of educator is to lead the child near reality is the philosophy of Realists

Q. Values do not change over time because the truths which they related do not change as per Idealists.

Q. The word “transcendentalism” means Going beyond man’s experience for

knowledge of truth

Q. Education plays vital role in the Character formation

Q. Education plays vital role in Promoting national integration.

Q. According to idealism the aim of education is to develop Mind and Soul.

Q. Pragmatism was introduced by William James

Q. Expected life out comes from education referred as aims of education.

Q. Type of knowledge derived by senses is known as Logical.

Q. Perennialism has Two major divisions.

Q. Who says education preparation is life itself not for preparation of life Perennialism

Q. Who says “permanency is more real than change” Perennialism.

Q. Philosophy literally means Love for knowledge.

Q. The great method of teaching by Naturalists is Role Playing.

Q. Education Discipline in Pakistan reflects Ideology of Pakistan.

Q. Education as the re-organization of experience is explained by John Dewey.

Q. Cosmology deals with origin, nature and development of Universe.

Q. Theology deals with the study of Divinity.

Q. Analytical Philosophy was loved in English-speaking countries during the 20th Century.

Q. Existentialist Methods focus on Individual.

Q. Perennialism is a Modified form of Realism.

Q. The founder of social Reconstructionism is Theodore Borameld

Q. Existentialists give no importance to Examination.

Q. The Individuality of Man is Supreme.

Q. Islamic Philosophy is a branch of Islamic Studies

Q. Good educational environment means Instructional Tasks.

Q. Social Reconstruction emphasizes on Social questions.

Q. The Branch of Philosophy discuss the issues relating to Art and Beauty is Aesthetics,

Q. According to Einstein education should be fun rather than pushed

Q. Israel Scheffler became the paramount philosopher of education in North America.

Q. Education for sustainable development seeks partnership across the;

Q. The philosophical questions discuss fundamental concept

Q. ESD explores links between students’ personal lives and wider Environment.

Q. ESD adopts an inter-disciplinary or trans disciplinary approach?

Q. Plato’s educational philosophy lies in his vision of the ideal Republic.

Q. Elementary education made the soul responsive to the Environment

Q. William Kilpatrick believed that the role of teacher should be like a Guide .

Q. There are Four sub categories are there of metaphysical aspect of philosophy?

Q. Anthropology deals with the study of Man kind.

Q. Modern philosophies have special Impact.

Q. The naturalist emphasis the child centred method of teaching?

Q. Objectives are central to both learning experiences and Evaluation programme.

Q. Perennial means Everlasting.

Q. Perennialism is a modified form of Realism

Q. Who was the first essentialist? Socrates

Q. For the perennialists, there are Two categories of subject matter.

Q. The theory of Progressivism was presented by John Dewey and William Kilpatrick.

Q. Progressivists believe that experience has Four qualities

Q. Culture and society are the basic source of Values.

Q. Idealism is a school of Philosophy.

Q. Reconstructionism believes Education must be for the awakening of the students’


Q. Plato been called an idealist theory of Forms or Ideas.

Q. There are Five general aspects of Realism.

Q. Who is the founder of social reconstructionism? Theodore Brameld.

Q. Plato is considered foundational for democratic philosophies of education?

Q. Ethics can be defined as the study of Ideal conduct.

Q. A formal fallacy is a Mistake.

Q. Rationality is man’s highest Attribute.

Q. Polytheism is the belief in many Gods.

Q. According to Socrates, a Philosopher would be the best ruler of the ideal state

Q. The highest level of intellect is called Dialectic.

Q. At the center of the curriculum for a Social Reconstructionist is a focus on Social reform.

Q. Islamic philosophy refers produced in an Islamic society.

Q. Realism it is a theory that suggests a belief is justified

Q. Dewey liked the following definition of education Reconstruction of experience.

Q. Every system of Education is based upon Ideology of

Q. Desirable models of behaviours of a society are Values.

Q. Education plays vital role in Promoting Social reforms

Q. Education means Experience.

Q. A descriptive definition of the term is its Explanation.

Q. Realism was a reaction to the narrowness of Idealism.

Q. Civic Aims of education includes Civic sense.

Q. Sociological aims of education includes:

 1. Growth     2. Dutifulness      3. Skills

Q. Socrate said “Knowledge is virtue”

Q. Allama Iqbal said “Education is the activity of
recognizing God and understanding self.

Q. John Dewey said, “Education is an Experience”.

Q. Ibne-Khaldun said, “Divine recognition is the major objective
of education”.

Q. Progressivism focuses

1. Live is continuously changing.

2. Teacher is a just guide

3. Teacher should arouse interest in work

Q. Deconstructivism emphases that

1. Reforms are necessary in life

2. Resources should be controlled by the people

3. Curriculum should be on the choice of student

Q. Theology is about the presence of God and his nature.

Q. Cosmogony is about the origin and development of universe i.e.

Q. Cosmology is the study of problems connected with origin and

Q. Philosophy of self concerns with interpretation of self. For
example: who I am?

Q. Eschatology concerns with the studies of death and after death