History of Education

History of Education

Ancient Greek

Q. The history of education is the history of:

Ans. Teaching and Learning

Q. The world’s oldest known developed in central

Ans. in central Egypt

Q. Of Athens, until age 6 or 7, boys were taught two important things:

Ans. The words of Homer and how to play lyre.

Q. Of Athens, at elementary education part of the training was?

Ans. Gymnastic

Q. What are co-curricular activities of the Athens?

Ans. Running, jumping Wrestling, boxing

Q. “What is Harmonics?

Ans. The mathematical theory of music

Q. What was the Athens concept of education?

Ans. Gymnastic for body and Music for soul

Q. What was the aim of dancing of Athens?

Ans. It was religious, military and civic

Q. Who are the three Socratic philosophers?

Ans. Plato, Shakespeare, Dewey

Q. Plato curriculum was consist of:

Ans. Gymnastic and Music

Q. Nothing was more important to Plato in human life as:

Ans. Education

Q. Plato recommended play method at:

Ans.  Elementary level

Q. Who said the following, “Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind”?

Ans. Plato

The Academy was founded by:

Ans.    Plato

Q. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi devoted his life to the education of

Ans. Children

Q. What does auto-andragogy mean?

Ans. An adult who tutors themselves

Q. What was the procedure of primary education in Ancient Greece?

Ans. Until age 6 or 7 boys were taught at home by their mothers or by male slaves

Q. What is the additional subject of Athens?

Ans. Physics, Geography, History

Q. How many types of gymnasium are there in Greek?

Ans.   Six

Q. Which are the subjects in Greek gymnasium

Ans. 1. Modern Greek language and literature and ancient language

 2. Ancient Greek Literature, Mathematics

 3. Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Q. What was the system of women’s education of Athens?

Ans.  1. The women education was limited to indoor business.

         2. They were taught to make them a better housewife

Q. People in Sparta were taught at home till the age?

Ans. Seven

Q. in Sparta, after the age of eighteen, the students were trained the use of:

Ans. Weapons and art of war

Q. When we say that education is an influence of environment, we mean Both

Ans. 1. Wider meaning

         2. Narrow meaning

Q. What was the purpose of Spartan education?

Ans. Physical strong person

Q. In the process of the physical education of Sparta the students were taught the

Ans.  Physical Exercise, Wrestling, Boxing, Athletic.

Q. What is the philosophy of Socrates?

Ans.  1. The proper study of philosophy is man.”  2. Natural Ethic. 

           3. Knowledge and wisdom.

Q. What is Plato’s educational theory?

Ans.  State Education

Q. Who said the following about Elementary School “Co-education et elementary level and teach them mathematics, poetry, music and literature till the age of eighteen years”.

Ans. Plato

Q. What should be the higher education according to Plato?

Ans. Higher education should be given from twenty to thirty-five

Q. What was the main aim of Plato?

Ans. Each member of the society should undertake his work and responsibilities

Q. What is Lyceum?

Ans. 1.   A Gymnasium

         2.   A public place of meeting in Athens

Q. Education played a significant role in ancient Greek life since the founding of the poleis till the

Ans.   Roman period

Q. Formal Greek education was primarily for

Ans. Men

Q. Children in most of ancient Greece started the education at age:

Ans.  7

Q. In Greek, Elementary schools are called

A.    Dimotika

Q. Athens became the classroom of

Ans. Socrates

Q. Which education focused heavily on training the entire person?

Ans.   Greek

Q. Who thinks education as a key for a society?

Ans.   Aristotle

Q. Who did not contribute directly to science and mathematics but he stresses on these subjects.

Q. Plato wants motivation and interest in:

Ans. Man, Mind and Body

Q. Which education system produce citizens trained in the arts?

Ans. Education system of Athens

Q. Education system of Athens prepare citizens for:

 Ans.  Both Peace and War

Q. Who said the following. “Education should be provided by the state not by parents”?

Ans.   Plato

Q. Plato curriculum was consisted of:

Ans.  Gymnastic and Music

Q. Old Athenian education differed from the Spartan mainly in. terms of:

Ans. Extent of the intellectual element/

Q. Spartan education had little or nothing in common with early Athenian education except the:

Ans. Simplicity of its educational aim

Q. Which one of the following does not be long with the group?

Ans. Philanthropinum

Q. In early Athenian education the “pedagogues” was

Ans. Slave

Q. Which was not taught in the “didasealeum”?

Ans. Gymnastic exercises

Q. By quadrivium is meant

Ans. Arithmetic, music, astronomy and geometry

Q. The Socratic method refers to the method of?

Ans. Developing concepts through a  questioning

Q. Plato’s philosophy stressed education as:

Ans. A means of preserving the state

Q. In his educational theories, Aristotle felt that:

Ans.  Education should be private and vary with individuals

Ans. The aim in education is to train people to reason

Q. Aristotle’s educational plan differed from that of Plato in respect to provision for:

Ans. Making the home a real training center

Q. The major contribution of the ancient Greeks to modem education was their

Ans. Emphasis upon the development of individual. Personality


Q. Seek knowledge even:

Ans. China

Q. The Prophet based his teachings on:

Ans.   1. Oneness of God

           2. Righteous Conduct of Man

           3. The Hereafter

Q. Why did the monasteries and convents
the centers of learning?

Ans. They kept learning alive from the
past by 
copying books by hand

Q. The Prophet’s method of reading
originated from 
the first revealed verse of the Qur’an:

Ans.     Read

Q. The Prophet said that the highest
form of prayer 
for his people was:

Ans. The reading of the Holy Book

Q. The most virtuous among the
believers were 

Ans. who learnt the Qur’an and taught it
to others.

Q. The Early Middle Ages in Europe
A.D.) are often called the Dark Ages because?

Ans. Literacy and education declined.

Q. Which of the following is NOT a Muslim

Ans. Original sin 

Q. In America and Europe, Islam is

Ans. The fastest growing religion

Q. The word ‘jihad’ means

Ans. To strive or struggle

Q. Which of the following describes
Arabian society and religion?

Ans. Polytheistic tribal

Q. Muhammad saw his relationship to
the religion of 
Islam as that of

Ans. Prophet and reformer

Q. What means did Muhammad use to
defeat the 
Meccans and unite the tribes of Arabia under the banner of Islam?

Ans. Force and diplomacy

Q. Which of the following is NOT a
teaching of the 

Ans.     Death and resurrection of Jesus

Q. Muslims believe all of the following about the Quran EXCEPT

Ans. It is a chronological account of

Q. What was the main purpose of Horace
Normal School?

Ans. Prepare skilled teachers and
Eliminate unfit teachers

Q. Which of the following is NOT one
of the Five 
Pillars of Islam?

Ans. Jihad0

Q. Who wrote more than 70 books on
sciences, Philosophy and Sufism?

Ans.    Ghazali

Q. What is Ghazali’s lhya al-Ulum
al-Din about?

Ans. All fields of Islamic law

Q. Ghazali also played a very major
role in 
integrating Sufism with:

Ans.      Shariah

Q. The early works of al-Ghazali were
in the area of:

Ans. Jurisprudence

Q. Al-Ghazali divided the sciences or

Ans. Eternal and accidental

Q. Al-Ghazali stated that in his quest
for true 
knowledge he started studying:

Ans. Philosophy

Q. Al-Ghazali divided the philosophers

Ans. Four major categories

Q.The Dars-i-Nizami system orginated
from early:

Ans. 18th century

Q. Ibn Khaldun is one of those shining
stars that 
contributed so richly to the?

Ans. Understanding of Civilization

Q. What is the key point in Iqbal’s

Ans. Two reasons

Q. Iqbal views democracy aspect of:

Ans. Training of human will

Q. Imam Ghazali categories the knowledge into

Ans. Branches

Q. What is the aim of education according to Imam Ghazali?

Ans.   1. Subservience to God

           2. Seeking God’s blessings

           3. Balanced development of inner and outer self of man

Q. Imam Ghazali has classified the spiritual knowledge into

Ans. 4 Types

Q. Khaldun divides the knowledge into

Ans. 2 branches.

Q. Where was Ibn Khaldun born?

Ans. Tunisia

Q. What for Khaldun was the role of religion in society?

Ans. Cohesion

Q. About what place did Khaldun say: “He who has not seen it does not know the power of Islam.”?

Ans. Egypt

Q. The purpose of education is not just to provide comfort to individual citizens but to sustain in?

Ans. Society.

Q. Who explains education as a process, which develops obedience to God.

Ans. Imam Ghazali

Q. Who describes education as the process which helps in exploring the truth through insight,

thinking and subjection to God.

Ans. Ibne Khaldoon

Who thinks Education as a mode that helps in promoting the natural perception through

training for achieving the height of servitude to God.

Ans. Shah Waliullah

Q. who looks down education as the process of polishing the capabilities of the individual and equipping him with saleable skills resultantly providing the society with the positive and productive citizens.

Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Q. Whose  view is that education provides and promotes for the growth and development of Khudi whereby making the individual unique.

Ans. Allama Iqbal

Q. Quaid-i-Azam views education as a process that

helps in the

Ans. character building of the new generations.

Q. Education is the life long process of

Ans. Social adjustment.

Q. Islamic philosophy of education is unique because:

Ans. It is nearest to the nature of man, moderate and utilitarian in the sense of Qura’an and Sunnah

Q. Knowledge according to Islamic viewpoint has been divided into:

Ans. Farz-e-Ayn and Farz-e-Kifaya

Q. Islamic philosophy of education rests on:

Ans.  1. Qura’an   2. Hadith  3. Qiyas   4. Fiqqa


Q. When God-consciousness becomes illuminating center of man’s self-consciousness?

Ans. He realises his real position in the universe.

Q. According to Iqbal, science is important for:

Ans. Two reasons

Q. In Iqbal’s view, what is the requirement for humanity?

Ans. 1. spiritual interpretation of the universe

2. Spiritual emancipation of the individual

3. Spiritual democracy

Q. “How can there be unity of government between areas so widely separated? I can answer this question in one word”. It is:

Ans.   Faith

Q. Democracy is in the blood of Musalmans who look upon complete:”

Ans.   Equality of a man

Q. The word mosque is derived from the Arabic wor

Ans.      Masjid

Q. What did Holy Prophet (PBUH) ask the prisoners of war in the battle of Badr?

Ans. 1. They were asked to pay a ransom for their release.

         2. The educated were asked to teach the skill of writing to ten children and adults to get theirnrelease.

Q. To whom The Prophet appointed to teach the art of calligraphy?

Ans.  Abdullah bin Sayyed (Razi Allah tala anhu)

Q. The companions of the Prophet are known as:

Ans. Ashab e Muhammad

Q. What is the scientific method of Holy Prophet?

Ans.  1. Observation and Correction

          2. Representation by diagrams

          3. Practical demonstration

Q. What did Holy Prophet order about writing Ahadith?

Ans. He ordered to write and save his statements

Q. Who is Ghazli?

Ans.  1. a Persian Muslim theologian,

           2. Jurist and mystic

           3. a philosopher

Q. What region does Al-Ghazali belong to?

Ans. Persian scholar

Q. What era did Al-Ghazali belong to?

 Ans. Medieval Philosophy

Q. Dars e Nizami is a:

Ans. Curriculum

Q. He is viewed as the key member of the influential

Asharite school of early Muslim philosophy and the most important refuter of

Ans. Mu’tazili

Q. Dars e Nizami give knowledge of:

Ans. Fiqa,  Hadith and  Prophet’s Tradition

Q. When is Al-Ghazali’s birthday?

Ans. 1058 CE

Q. What philosophical school did Al-Ghazali belong to?

Ans.    Sufism, Sunni, Asharite

Q. What is Dars e Nizami?

Ans.  A study curriculum used in a large portion of Islamic religious school

Q. The importance of education is repeatedly emphasized in the?

Ans. Quran

Q. The practice of committing the whole Qur’an to memory has become:

Ans.  A religious duty

Q. Which thing plays a very vital role in perfecting the way of life of the Muslims?

Ans. Hadith

Q. Of the Five Pillars of Islam, the first one is the Declaration of Faith, is the most important for being a Muslim.

Ans. First

Q. What is the most important institution in Islam after the home and work place?

Ans. The Mosque

Q. A mosque is more than a mere place of worship, it should be like a

Ans. University

Q. The higher level of madrassas produce:

Ans. Alim

Q. Subjects which are beneficial for mankind

Ans. ilm-e-Mahmood

Q. Subjects which are not beneficial but injurious to mankind like magic and palmistry

Ans.  ilm-e-Mahmood

Q. Ghazali categories the knowledge into:

Ans.  1. Knowledge of Prophets

         2. Knowledge of Caliphs

         3. Knowledge of Scholars

         4. Knowledge of Orators

Q. Ghazali was of the opinion that the education should be in conformity with their gender role.

Ans. Women

Q. Who is universally recognized as the founder and father of Sociology and Sciences of History?

Ans. Ibne Khaldoon

Q. Ibne Khaldoon is best known for his. Famous book:

Ans. Muqaddimah Ibne Khaldoon

Q. Khaldoon divides the knowledge into branches.

Ans. Two

Q. Which knowledge can be gained through copying others?

Ans. Irrational knowledge

Q. Which knowledge is gained through human effort?

Ans. Rational knowledge

Q. Rational and irrigational knowledge was declared?

Ans. Equally important.

Q. Education should start from the teaching of?

Ans. The holy Quran

Q. Rational knowledge includes:

Ans. Quran, Arabic language and literature Arithmetic, Hadith, Fiqah, ilim-ul-kalam, astronomy, physics

Q. Real name of Shah Wali Ullah is


Ans Qutab Ud Din Ahmad

Q. The saying of the Holy Prophet  is called

Ans. Sunnah

Q. Application of reasoning it any case which is based on the facts of other case is called:

Ans. Qiyas

Q. What is the concept of knowledge according to Islam?

 Ans. 1. Deductive knowledge

          2. Observatory knowledge

          3. Empirical knowledge

Q. Which knowledge is the lowest level of knowledge?



Ans. Deductive knowledge

Q. The first and the foremost advice of Qura’an to the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) was:

Ans. Do Read

Q. Curriculum development problem:

Ans.  1.Increasing number of students

          2. Variety of students from different background

          3. Socio economic groups


          4. Value groups


Q. The history of education is the history of:

Ans. Teaching and Learning

Q. Of Athens, until age 6 or 7, boys were taught two important things:

Ans. The words of Homer and how to play lyre

Q. Of Athens, at elementary education part of the training was

Ans. Gymnastic

Q. What are co-curricular activities of the Athens?

Ans. Running, jumping Wrestling, boxing

Q. “What is Harmonics?

Ans. The mathematical theory of music

Q. What was the Athens concept of education?

Ans. Gymnastic for body and Music for soul

Q. What was the aim of dancing of Athens?

Ans. It was religious, military and civic

Q. Who are the three Socratic philosophers?

Ans. Plato, Shakespeare, Dewey

Q. Plato curriculum was consisted of:

Ans. Gymnastic and Music

Q. Nothing was more important to Plato in human life as:

Ans. Education

Q. Plato recommended play method at:

Ans.     Elementary level

Q. Who said the following, “Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind”?

Ans. Plato

Q. The Academy was founded by:

Ans.     Plato

Q. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi devoted his life to the education of:

Ans. Children

Q. Education is an activity which transforms:

Ans. ‘Instinctive behavior to ‘distinctive behavior’

Q. Responses are of two kinds

Ans. Physical responses and mental responses

Q. The lab school was founded by:

Ans. John Dewey

Q. Education is the training of the

Ans.  Spirit

Q. Educating a child means

Ans. To direct the children properly

Q. Guidance is essential

Ans. A proper stimulus is to be given for arousing correct response in the child

Q. Control is essential

Ans. To check the anti-social impulses of the child.

Q. How many ways are there to direct the child?

Ans. Two

Q. Education is the emancipation from

Ans.   Ignorance

Q. Education is the influence of the environment upon the

Ans.       Individual

Q. What is the purpose of educational history?

Ans.   1. Development of coming generation

           2. Knowledge for culture

           3. Character build

Q. The lab school was founded by John Dewey in

Ans.   1896

Q. Which school is originally called the children’s university school?

Ans.    The Delton school.

Q. Who was John. Heinrich Pestalozzi?

Ans.    1. A Swiss Pedagogue

           2. Educational Reformer

Q. Pestalozzi presented?

Ans. Two general purposes of education

Q. What is John Pestalozzi’s view about early education?

Ans.   1. Children use no books

           2. They should learn through direct experience

Q. Pestalozzi maintained that the classroom should be like.

Ans.    Family

Q. Who is Friedrich Wilhelm August?

Ans.   1. A German pedagogue,

           2. A student of Pestalozzi

Q. The Delton school was founded by American educator Helen Parkhurst in:


Ans      1919

Q. Knowledge can be defined as:

Ans. The state or fact of knowing

Q. What is the Montessori education?

Ans. An educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori

Q. What was the response of the people towards Maria’s Montessori?

Ans.   1. She received overnight attention

           2. Montessori captured the interest and imagination of leaders and scientists around the world.

Q. Who is Horace Mann?

Ans.  An American education reformer

Q. Corporal punishment was often used to correct:

 A.    1. Laziness

         2. Imprecision

Q. In Traditional educational systems, which is the  sole source of knowledge

Ans.   Teacher

Q. A number of important socio-economic forces are pushing for the

Ans.      Life-long learning approach

Q. The ultimate purpose of education is to produce individuals who strive for Excellence for

Ans.     1. Peers

             2. Himself

             3. Community

Q. Pestalozzi was an important theory of

Ans. Physical education

Q. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was:

 Ans.  1.Father of vocational education

          2. Father of elementary education

Q. Who wrote Emile?

Ans.     Johan Jacques Rousseau

Q. Who argued, “children should learn through activity and through things”?

Ans.     Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Q. The chief point of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was:

 Ans.     1. Child Centered

              2. Direct experience

              3. Activity based learning

Q. Pestalozzi conducted a residential and teacher training school at Burgford from

Ans.     1800-1804

Q. When Friedrich Wilhem August Froeble established the first kindergarten school in

Ans. 1837

Q. Froeble was convinced that the kindergarten’s primary focus should be on exposition of children’s

Ans.  1. Inner most thoughts

    2. Needs

    3. Desires

Q. Prominence in Rousseau’s plan of education was given to:

Ans. Physical activities and sense discrimination/

Q. Rousseau’s major contribution to education was?

Ans.     Philosophy of naturalism

Q. Rousseau’s influence upon education visible in the

Ans. Concept of permissiveness in education

Q. Influences of Pestalozzi and Herbart upon education are

Ans.  Normal school as an agency for training teachers

Q. One of the pioneers in elementary education reform was:

Ans.  Johann Pestalozzi

Q. The main contribution of Pestalozzi to education was the:

Ans. Application to education of modified naturalism

Q. Dewey is said to have taken his theory of interest from

Ans.   Herbart

Q. The first kindergarten was started by:

Ans.   Friedrich Froebel

Q. Froebel is given credit for the idea of:

Ans. The kindergarten

Q. Who is called the father of the common school?

Ans. Horace Mann