

A cartoon is a form of visual art that typically involves drawings or illustrations portraying humorous or satirical situations, often with exaggerated or distorted features. They can refer to various forms of visual entertainment, and the interpretation of the term can depend on the conte


Key aspects of cartoons:

Humor and Satire:

Cartoons are known for their comedic elements and often aim to elicit laughter or amusement. They may use exaggeration, wordplay, puns, or visual gags to create humor. Additionally, cartoons frequently employ satire to criticize or comment on social, political, or cultural issues in a lighthearted or whimsical manner.

Visual Style:

Cartoons typically feature simplified, stylized, and often exaggerated depictions of characters, objects, and settings. These visual elements can contribute to the humor and distinctive aesthetics of them. The style can vary greatly, from simple and minimalist designs to intricate and detailed illustrations.

Animated Cartoons:

Animated cartoons are moving images created through animation techniques. They can be short films, television shows, or feature-length movies.

Comic Strips and Comic Books:

They can also refer to humorous or satirical illustrations in comic strips or comic books.

Editorial Cartoons:

Single-panel or multi-panel illustrations that convey political or social commentary in a humorous or satirical way.

Illustrations and Artwork:

Cartoons can also be simple, exaggerated illustrations or artworks, often characterized by humor or whimsy.

Webcomics and Digital Cartoons:

With the rise of the internet, cartoons have expanded into the digital realm through webcomics, animated GIFs, and online illustrations.

Educational Cartoons:

They are designed for educational purposes, often combining entertainment with informative content.

3D Cartoons:

With advancements in technology, cartoons can also refer to three-dimensional animated characters and scenes.

Political Cartoons:

Editorial cartoons that specifically focus on political subjects, using satire and humor to convey a message.

The term “cartoons” is versatile and encompasses a wide range of visual expressions, from animated films that entertain audiences to illustrations that convey satire or tell stories. The interpretation often depends on the medium and context in which the term is used.

As a freelancer you can find cartoons designing jobs on Upwork, and on many other platforms.