Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development

Q. Curriculum is Overall activities of an Institution.

Q. Hilda Taba said, “Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and    experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not’’.

Q. A curriculum is the sum total of a school’s efforts to influence a child’s Behaviour

Q. Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the Objectivity.

Q. Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is Curriculum Wing.

Q. Affective domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of


Q. Nature of the curriculum may be Conservative, Creative or Critical.

Q. Curriculum provides guidance for Students.

Q. Syllabus is a part of Curriculum.

Q. The scope of curriculum includes.

1. Programme of studies

2. Programme of activities.

3. Programme of guidance

Q. Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by Evaluation.

Q. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum.

            1. Designing

2. Implementing

3. Evaluating

Q. The major function of Punjab text Book Board is Printing books.

Q. Making value judgment about curriculum is Curriculum evaluation.

Q. The most important component of lesson plan is its Objectives.

Q. To select subject matter, one should consider student’s I.Q.

Q. The implementer for curriculum is Educational institution.

Q. Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the Objectives.

Q. Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is Curriculum wing.

Q. When, what, why and how, to teach are the main task of Education psychology

Q. The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called Foundation of curriculum.

Q. Philosophy and curriculum are concerned with the question of what is the purpose of life.

Q. Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with Ideas.

Q. Student needs and interests are important in Psychological foundation.

Q. Sociological foundations are concerned with Society.

Q. Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by Smith

Q. Relationship of subjects at different level is called Vertical organization

Q. An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called Syllabus

Q. Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is Horizontal.

Q.  Audio Visual Aids may be 1. Radio  2. Tape recorder  3. Television

Q. Major concern of curriculum is Change in individual’s behaviour.

Q. The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a Constitution in a     country.

Q. Curriculum is supposed to

1. Achieve the objectives

2. Be organized by the school.

Q. Curriculum reflects the culture of Society

Q. Learning means Change in behaviour.

Q. The outline of the contents is Syllabus.

Q. Component of curriculum is 1. Evaluation 2. Teaching strategies 3. Objectives.

Q. Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan are

1. Activity a

2. Subject

3. Integrated

Q. The selection of the particular design is influenced by Foundation

Q. The types of students in the class are generally grouped as

1. Average

2. Above average

3. Below average

Q. Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to Logical sequence.

Q. How many basic components of curriculum are 4.

Q. Components of curriculum are

1. Aims/Objectives

2. Content/Subject Material

3. Methods/Strategies

4. Evaluation

Q. Without suitable curriculum, aims of education Cannot be achieved.

Q. Design is not the component of curriculum.

Q. The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be defined as Curriculum design.

Q. The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called Core.

Q. On way of finding out, what is going on in a classroom is Observation.

Q. Subject centred designs revolve around Content.

Q. Nature of elements of curriculum and pattern of their organization is Curriculum design.

Q. A frame work of action for preparing a curriculum is Curriculum design.

Q. Knowledge is compartmentalized in Subject centred curriculum

Q. Prior planning is characteristic of Subject centred curriculum.

Q. Explanatory methods are used in Subject centred curriculum.

Q. Broad field curriculum is a modification of Subject centred curriculum

Q. Rote learning is a demerit of Subject centred curriculum

Q. Teacher training is less emphasized in Subject centred curriculum

Q. Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is Activity centred curriculum

Q. Prior planning is not possible in Activity centred curriculum

Q. Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is Integrated curriculum.

Q. The purpose of integrated curriculum is Decrease in number of books.

Q. The relationship of different concepts at one level is Horizontal organization.

Q. Institutions concerned with teacher training are

1. University of Education

2. IER

3. DSD

Q. Examinations are conducted by BISE.

Q. University of Education was established in 2002.

Q. Allama Iqbal Open University was established in 1974

Q. The system of distance education is observed in Allama Iqbal Open University.

Q. Mini Culture is Classroom.

Q. Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through examination Affective.

Q. Which of the following is the nature of curriculum: Conservative, Critical, Creative

Q. Psychological foundation play its role in the curriculum development for keeping in view the

1. Student’s interest

2. Student’s needs

3. Student’s capabilities

Q. Syllabus is a part of Curriculum.

Q. Benefits of A.V. Aids are that they

1. Create interest

2. Reduce verbalization

3. Stimulate self-activity

Q. Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a Chariot race course

Q. The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is Activity curriculum

C. Subject curriculum D. None

Q. Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called Course

Q. A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child’s Behaviour.

Q. The base on which the subject activities and experiences are planned is called Design.

Q. Smith said, “Curriculum presents instructional material”

Q. Relationship of subjects at different level is called Vertical Organization

Q. An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in specific time is called Syllabus.

Q. Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is Horizontal.

Q. Curriculum is supposed to:

1. Personal satisfaction

2. Be organized by the school

Q. Curriculum reflects the culture of Society.

Q. Learning means Change in behaviour.

Q. The outline of the contents is Syllabus.

Q. The Selection of the particular design is influenced by Foundation.

Q. The committee responsible to finalize the curriculum up to secondary level in Pakistan in:

Ans.  National Curriculum Committee

Q. The mirror of the Society is Teachers Curriculum Committee.

Q. Types of individual differences are: 1. Physical,  2. Mental,  3. Emotional

Q. A curriculum is blue print or plan of the school that includes experiences for the Learner.

Q. If two or more methods are mixed up for teaching, the teaching method will be known as: Ans. Eclectic method

Q. Detailed contents of the subjects for a class is called Course.

Q. In planning and implementing curricula school makes its selection from Culture.

Q. Discipline problems are most likely to occur during Waiting time.

Q. According to Bloom’s taxonomy. “application level” questions require students to use creative   thinking in solving problems for which there is no single for right answer

Q. Those unplanned but highly meaningful learning experiences that occur as by-products of school participation are called the Extra curriculum.

Q. A theory is a system of beliefs which guide or control actions

Q. Tyler’s Model was laid out by Ralph Tyler in1949.

Q. The most influential model in the field of curriculum development is Tyler’s Model.

Q. Kerr divided the domains into Four(4).

Q. In Pakistan, the education system is Three-tier.

Q. At the secondary school level (IX-X) 12-14% of students select science.

Q. The medium of instruction in primary schools is Urdu.

Q. Television viewing is linked to Decreased IQ scores in young people.

Q. Prediction refers, “A statement about what will be observed before it actually occurs”.

Q. SPSS is an abbreviation of: “Statistical Predictions for Social Sciences”

Q. Continual professional development (CPD) of teachers makes

Ans. Regularly updates their knowledge of recent developments in teaching techniques

Q. An example of intellectual disability is Dyslexia.

Q. Reading Disorder is a developmental disorder and is found in below IQ level Students

Q. In learning disabilities, the name for mathematical disorder is Dyscalculia.

Q. Intellectual disabilities can be defined as Significantly below average intellectual


Q. Curriculum is emphasized in Erikson’s theories Psychosocial curriculum.

Q. The Transactional emphasizes Quality caregiver-children interactions

Q.  The emphasis of the High Scope Model Learning through exploration and discovery.

Q. Curriculum is a fixed programme of courses is Old concept of curriculum.

Q. A type of curriculum presented by experts is called Recommended Curriculum.

Q. Planned experiences (Curricular and co-curricular) offered to the learner under the guidance   of school is called Curriculum

Q. A characteristic of activity-based instruction is Learning occurs in routine, planned, or child   initiated activities

Q. The way of doing something is called Method.

Q. Curriculum included: Content, Course

Q. Curriculum can be defined as: Prescriptive, Descriptive

Q. Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual Impairment with    a measurable IQ usually between 25-35.

Q. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there       is a significant period without oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery Dysnoxia

Q. In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided into a number of degrees of severity,    depending primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the sufferer.

Q. Mild mental retardation corresponding to an IQ score between: 40-55 to 60

Q. Special education began with Jean-Marc Gaspard hard in Paris.

Q. Philosophical foundations of curriculum are related to Ideas.

Q. Psychological foundations of curriculum are related to Learners

Q. Who are against the curriculum

Q. The basic objective of curriculum is adjustment in Society

Q. Subject centred designs of curriculum is related to content.

Q. Plan for preparing a curriculum is Curriculum Design

Q. Hilda Taba is very expert in Curriculum development.

Q. Hilda Taba’s curriculum model has five stages

Q. The most important improvement thing in lesson plans is Objectives.

Q. The curriculum which meets the needs of all the students is related to General Education.

Q. The effectiveness of the curriculum is judged by Student’s interest.

Q.  Smith declared curriculum is a Written plan

Q. Foundation of curriculum may be Historical, Psychological, Economical.

Q. Prior planning of curriculum is a feature of subject centred curriculum.

Q. Explanatory methods of teaching are used in Subject centred curriculum

Q. Broad Field curriculum is a form of Subject centred curriculum.

Q. According to John Dewey Curriculum should be  Activity centred

Q. The correct way to talk about Individuals with disabilities: Handicapped People.

Q. Normalization is the process of Making the everyday living conditions of persons with disabilities as similar as possible to the everyday living conditions of persons

without disabilities.

Q. The least restrictive environment (LRE) guarantees that individuals who receive special education services will become productive members of society.

Q. The process of making judgment is called Evaluation.

Q. Curriculum content is a body of Facts, Concepts, Ideas, Skills

Q. The level to which a topic can be taught is called Scope of curriculum content.

Q. Evaluation, can serve different Four (4) functions.

Q.  In the context of curriculum evaluation, there are Two (2) forms of evaluation.

Q. With regards to content, evaluation should focus on its Suitability.

Q. The level of school administration can best be judged through Learning out comes.

Q. Acquaintance roll is used for Salary disbursement.

Q. The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is Efficiency.

Q. All transaction should be entered in which Cash register.

Q. Coordinating, stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of Inspection.

Q. Metacognition is,”the awareness and monitoring of one’s attitudes and attention while learning”

Q. Type of curriculum emphasizes direct instruction Behavioural curriculum.

Q. Education imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings is called Course.

Q. All experiences of the children for whom school assumes responsibility is Curriculum.

Q. Cognitive curriculum is derived from the work of Piaget .

Q. The guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) emphasize Age and individual appropriateness

Q.  The most common perception of curriculum are

1. Ideological curriculum

2. Formal curriculum

3. Sanctioned curriculum

4. Perceived curriculum

Q. The written curriculum is much more specific and comprehensive than the Recommended


Q. The Taught curriculum is Delivered curriculum.

Q. Rote learning is a fault of Subject centred curriculum

Q. Curriculum which is related to primary classes is an integrated curriculum

Q. The main purpose of integrated curriculum is Decreased burden of books.

Q. The evaluation which is used to improve the contents of curriculum is Formative evaluation.

Q. The Evaluation which is used to improve the contents of curriculum after developments

      Summative evaluation

Q. Evaluation which is used to find out deficiencies in curriculum is Diagnostic.

Q. The main purpose of co-curriculor activities is to Develop the well-adjusted personality of


Q. The definition for curriculum and instruction suggests that, a relationship should exist   between what are taught and how it is taught

Q. Curriculum and Instruction may be studied and analysed as separate entities but cannot function in mutual isolation.

Q. Syllabus is a more detailed and operational document of teaching and learning elements.

Q. Syllabus provides more detail about teaching and learning elements

Q. Syllabus is a sub-unit of the curriculum.

Q. Curriculum development is a comprehensive process that:

1. Facilitates an analysis of purpose

2. Plan and designs a program or event

3. Implements a series of related activities

4. Aids in the evaluation of this process

Q. Content is defined as the subject matter of the teaching learning process and it includes:

1. Facts    2. Concepts    3. Principles    3. Generalizations

Q. Curriculum development is more effective when it follows Systematic process

Q. Curriculum development is more effective if it is Comprehensive.

Q. A taxonomy is a way of Classifying.

Q. There are three (3) educational domains are part of the Educational Taxonomy

            1. Cognitive Domain

            2. Effective Domian

3. Psychomotor Domain

Q. What does the curriculum effect  A complex and diverse society.

Q. What is a very important skill that a teacher should encourage?

1. Critical thinking

2. Performance skills

Q. A curriculum is organized according to the Age and Grade of students.

Q. The chief characteristics of SOLO Taxonomy are

1. Related to cognitive domain”

2. Explains- easy to complex

3. Measures mental development

Q. SOLO was developed by Biggs and Collis.

Q. We use SOLO because

1. Provide cognitive challenge for learners

2. It allows teachers and learners to ask deeper questions without creating new ones

3. It is a powerful Metacognitive tool

Q. The content of a subject matter can be evaluated by Testing students in its various content areas.

Q. Basic curriculum components are:

Aim, goals and objectives, Subject matter, Learning experiences, Evaluation,

Q. A well-designed curriculum is:

            1. Holistic and coherent

2. Inclusive/accessible/student centred.

Q. A well-designed curriculum takes account of its market/ its intake/ its output

Q. “Open classrooms” and interest centres were innovations of the 1960s and 1970s

Q. Who was an advocate of cultural literacy as a term and educational goal E. D. Hirsch Jr.

Q. Basic language skills are: Speaking, Listening, Writing

Q. A textbook is the primary instructional tool.

Q. The term curriculum model refers to an educational system that combines theory with


Q. The major obstacle affecting the quality and effectiveness of the curriculum development

      process in Pakistan are:

1.      Textbook quality

2.      Expertise

3.      Implementation and follow up

Q. Situational analysis was introduced in the 1970s to Taba’s diagnosis of needs.

Q. Stenhouse analysis identifies the Teacher as agent in the curriculum implementation     process.

Q. A danger of today’s emphasis on more comprehensive textbook packages is

Ans. decrease in the teacher’s professional role as “architect of the curriculum.”

Q. The role of the teacher in a perennialist classroom is as a Tutor

Q. In the existentialist classroom, the curriculum is chosen by the student for self-directed


Q. The Paideia Proposal called for A standard curriculum

Q. The Back-to-basics movement is the most associated essentialism.

Q.  A curriculum system has Three (3) primary functions

Q. Null Curriculum also known as Non-curriculum

Q. Taxonomy a classification of teaching objectives into broad categories and sub-categories

Q. Core Curriculum

1. The most subject-centered of this category

2. Organized like the broad-fields curricula but based on student needs

3. Organized around questions or themes

Q. The importance of syllabus is it Guides the teacher on topics and control level.

Q. The general principals of curriculum development are:

1. Principles of Utility

2. Principles of flexibility

3 Principles of child-centeredness

Q. Curriculum Model is Used to turn theory into practice

Q. Assessment is a form of examination that influences the curriculum implementation   tremendously

Q. Curriculum helps in achieving objectives.

Q. Curriculum is a guidance for Students.

Q. Curriculum affects a complex and diverse society

Q. Curriculum Revision is a Continuous process

Q. Curriculum included Content and examination.

Q. Integrated Curriculum Means Student working together.

Q. Components of curriculum are Measurement, Objectives, Exclusion.

Q. Curriculum reflects the culture of Society.

Q. The scope of Curriculum is

1. Program of guidance

2. Program of activities

3. Program of studies

Q. The more suitable model of curriculum for elementary level is activity curriculum.

Q. Which educational curriculum is taught curriculum Delivered curriculum.

Q. Detailed contexts of the subject is called course.

Q. Philosophy affects curriculum in the way:

1. How students should learn

2. What material and methods should be used

3. What subjects are important

Q. Curriculum Planning is related to

Q. Curriculum development relates to

1. What is good

2. What is real

3. What is true

Q. Curriculum development is more suitable when it focuses Systematic process.

Q. Effectiveness of curriculum is judged by Evaluation

Q. The arrangement of curriculum elements is Curriculum Design

Q. The curriculum Evaluation Method is

1. Summative Evaluation

2. Formation Evaluation

Q. Activity centred curriculum revolves around the

            1. Training of practical work

2. Overall development

3. Student Internet

Q. The objectives and structure of knowledge in subject of the Philosophers.