Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology

Q. Aims are National expectations.

Q. Goals are at Classroom level.

Q. Objectives are at Subject level.

Q. To promote science and technology is an Aim.

Q. To promote computer education is Goal

Q. To identify the parts of the computer is an Objective.

Q. Students are passive in Lecture method.

Q. Symposium is a type of Discussion method

Q. Heuristic means To investigate.

Q. Arm strong was the exponent of Heuristic method.

Q. According to Kilpatrick, there 5 types of projects.

Q. Activity involves Physical and mental action

Q. We move from specific to general in Inductive method

Q. Practice is made in Drill method.

Q. The Socratic method is known as Question- Answer method.

Q. Projects is a

1. It is a purposeful activity

2. It is proceeded in social environment

3. It is accomplished in real life

Q. Duration of lessons in macro- lesson plans is 35-45 minutes.

Q. In British approach of lesson planning, more emphasis is on Teacher and content presentation

Q. American approach emphasizes on learning Objectives

Q. Micro lesson plan is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives.

Q. Lesson plan is necessary because:

1. It develops confidence

2. It helps in orderly delivery of contents of

3. It saves from haphazard teaching

4. It is developed by teacher.

Q. In teaching experienced members guide the immature one’s for Adjustment of life.

Q. In triangular process of teaching there are: 1. Teacher  2. Pupil    3. Content

Q. Teaching method is not the focal point of triangular process of teaching.

Q. The goal of teaching is Desirable change in behavior

Q. The rules of presenting the contents to make them easy are called Maxims of teaching.

Q. According to Stomert and Morris, Teaching strategy is Generalized plan for lesson

Q. According to the words of I.K.Davis, “Strategies are broad methods of teaching

Q. Training is used to shape the habits

Q. The main types of teleconferencing identified are 3.

Q.  The types of teleconferencing are:

1. Audio teleconferencing

2. Video teleconferencing

3. Computer teleconferencing

Q. T.V teleconferencing is not the types of teleconferencing

Q. Both Individual and Group are accountable in Cooperative learning.

Q. Cooperative learning is an alternative to Competitive models

Q. The number of students in cooperative learning is 3 to 4

Q. The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is Positive interdependence.

Q. The students like to spend the most of the time with Peers.

Q. Peer culture constitutes Socialization.

Q. The advantages of team teaching are:

1. Better utilization of resources

2. Better planning

3. Better use of teaching techniques

Q. This is not an advantages of team teaching, “Better financial benefits of teachers

Q. The hypothesis underlying team teaching is, “the best teachers in schools are shared by

      more students

Q. CAI stands for Computer assisted instruction.

Q. The modes of CAI are:

1. Tutorial mode

2. Drill mode

3. Simulation mode

Q. Question mode is not the mode of CAI

Q. Example of psychomotor domain is that student Performs an experiment.

Q. Ability to develop a life style based upon the preferred value system is Characterizing.

Q. Example of cognitive domain is Describe a topic.

Q. SOLO stands for Structure of the observed learning outcome

Q. SOLO taxonomy consists of 4 levels.

Q. With reference to solo taxonomy one aspect of a task is understood in a Uni structural level A

Q. Two or more aspects are understood in Multistructural level

Q. Integration is developed between two or more aspects in Rational level.

Q. To go beyond the given information is Extended abstract level.

Q. SOLO taxonomy was presented by Biggs & Collis

Q. At the highest level of hierarchy is Evaluation.

Q. Student can design a laboratory according to certain specification in which category of

    objective Synthesis

Q. The number of domains in taxonomies of educational objective is Three.

Q. The highest level of cognitive domain is Evaluation.

Q. The process of determining the value or worth of anything is Evaluation.

Q. Educational objectives have been divided into Three domains

Q. Taxonomy of Educational objectives was presented in 1956.

Q. The classification of cognitive domain was presented by Benjamin S. Bloom.

Q. Cognitive domain have Six subgroups.

Q. The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is Knowledge.

Q. The highest level of learning in cognitive Evaluation.

Q. The right sequence of subgroups cognitive domain is: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application,           Analysis, Synthesis Evaluation (KCAASE) 6 Levels.

Q. To break down material into component parts to know its organizational structure is Analysis.

Q. Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is concerned with Knowledge.

Q. To grasp the meaning of the material is Comprehension.

Q. To use previous learned material in new situation is Application.

Q. To put ideas together to form a new whole is Synthesis.

Q. To know the worth or value of material is Evaluation.

Q. The intellectual skills are reflected by Cognitive Domain.

Q.  Attitudes, values and interests are reflected by Affective Domain.

Q. Which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills Psychomotor Domain.

Q. The focus of cognitive domain is Intellectual Skills

Q. The affective domain was classified by Krathwhol in 1964.

Q. Affective domain is divided into Five subgroups.

Q. The lowest level of learning in affective domain is Attending.

Q. Which is placed at the highest level of learning in affective domain Characterization.

Q. Right order of sub- groups of affective domain is Attending, Responding, Valuing,

    Organization, Characterization (ARVO) 5 Levels

Q. Willingness to attend to particular phenomenon Attending/ Receiving.

Q. Which sub- group of affective domain focuses on active participation in Responding.

Q. Bringing together different values into a consistent value system is Organization.

Q. Affective domain focuses on adoption of a value system as a part of life style in


Q. Psychomotor domain was classified by Simpson in 1977.

Q. Affective domain was divided into subgroups by Krathwhol in 1964

Q. Psychomotor domain was divided by Simpson Seven subgroups.

Q. The Characteristic of behavioral objective is Observable and measurable

Q. The right sequence of subgroups of psychomotor domain is

Ans. Perception, Set, Guided response, Mechanism, Complex overt response,

       adaptation, Origination (PSGMCAO) 7 Levels

Q. Objective related to Affective domain is Student values Honesty.

Q. Bring together scientific ideas to form a unique Synthesis.

Q. Which is vast in scope Teaching Strategy.

Q. Students find/explore the in formations themselves in Discovery method.

Q. Teacher performs practically and explains in Demonstration method.

Q. Role of student is active in

1. Inquiry method

2. Discovery method

3. Problem solved method

Q. Micro teaching is a Teacher’s training technique.

Q. What is the tie of presentation in Micro teaching 5-10 minutes.

Q. What is the No of students in micro teaching 10-15 Students.

Q. Micro teaching started in 1963.

Q. Microteaching was developed in 1963 at Stanford University.

Q. Micro teaching focuses on the competency over Skills

Q. Which is more suitable in teaching of science Project method.

Q. Curriculum planning is ultimately concerned Experience of learners.

Q. The first step in teaching model is Teaching objectives.

Q. Vygotsky recognized that children learn by themselves.

Q. Jerome Bruner is the founder of Discovery Learning.

Q. The medium of instruction in primary schools is Both English and Urdu

Q. The future arrangement operation is called Policies.

Q. Which level is important for transferring information to another situation is Application.

Q. Continual professional development demand Regularly updates their knowledge.

Q. A taxonomy is a way of Studying.

Q. Effective Teaching demands Planning,

Q. How many, senses a person uses while observing film 2.

Q. 75% of knowledge is gained through the sense of seeing.

Q. 13% of knowledge is gained through the sense of listening.

Q. 6% of knowledge is gained through the sense of touch.

Q. 3% of knowledge is gained through the sense of smell.

Q. 3% of knowledge is gained through the sense of taste.

Q. The condition which increases the possibility for accepting a particular response in future is called        Feedback.

Q. Reinforcement is used for who many purposes Three

Q. These activities which a teacher is to do before teaching are called Instructional objectives.

Q. Which type of curriculum is derived from the work of Piaget Cognitive curricular.

Q. Who is considered the of grandfather of behaviorism

1. B.F. Skinner

2. John Amos

3. John Dewey

Q. The feature of cognitive apprenticing is Exploration

Q. Dale suggests methodical procedures in planning and preparation for demonstration

Q. Audio media Stands for real things that are to be studied

Q. Audio Visual is a demonstration of Actual presentation

Q. According to Islam Education is Value free.

Q. The teacher except teaching should be a Social Contractor.

Q. Visual messages are Symbols.

Q. The main object of Heuristic Method is Scientific attitude.

Q. Teacher should be expert in Subject matter

Q. The basic source of educational objectives is Human experiences.

Q. The theory of multiple intelligence was developed by Howard.

Q. The E-rate is a constantly updated figure.

Q. The form of examination which influences curriculum implementation tremendously is

     called Assessment.

Q. Computer applications were first used in school in 1980.

Q. Textbook is the Primary instruction tool.

Q. Term formative evaluation was created by Screven.

Q. There are 6 levels in cognitive domain.

Q. The most important factor in planning for teaching professions is Interest.

Q. if there is no receiver, there is no communication.

Q. Effective communication is that in which Receiver understands the message of sender

Q.  These are communication channels

            1. Speaking, listening

2. Writing, reading

3. Visualizing, observing

Q. Which is not the type of communication channel Thinking, acting

Q. Communication without words is called Non-verbal communication

Q. English language communication skills are (4) listening, speaking, reading, writing

Q. The first objective of teaching English is to develop Listening skill.

Q. The numbers of kings of sounds are Two

Q. The kinds of sounds are Consonant sounds, Vowel sounds

Q. Phoneme is the Minimum unit of sound

Q. the articulators are Toung, Lips, Teeth

Q.  Face is not the articulator.

Q. Uttering with the force of breath is Stress.

Q. The number of branches of phonetics are Three (3)

Q. Phonology is the study of how sounds are Organized.

Q. The highest level in linguistics is Phonetics.

Q. The numbers of vowels in English are Five (5)

Q. The number of consonants in English are 21

Q. The conversion of spoken words into written language is Transcription.

Q. Transcription is also called Notation

Q. Orthography means Speaking system

Q. The number of vowel sound is 20

Q. Linguistic is the scientific study of Sounds.

Q. Language is a vehicle for expression of feeling is Functional View.

Q. The number of consonant sound is 24

Q. The number of phonemes in standard British English is 44

Q. The letter which are written but not spoken are Silent.

Q. A phoneme is a Sound.

Q. Arbitrariness means chosen without Reason

Q. How is the structure of a language is A structural view

Q. The spoken languages in the world are about More than 7100.

Q. The most spoken language in the world is English

Q.  According to David Crystal, the total number of languages are 6809

Q. According to David Crystal, the number of language families are 100

Q. In listening, the Ears and Mind are involved.

Q. Listening means lending ear to spoken words to understand message.

Q. The first step in listening is perception and decoding

Q. STM stands for short term memory.

Q. LTM stands for long term memory

Q. According to Rivers and Temperley, time devoted to listening in communication is 45%

Q. Time devoted to speaking in communication is 30%

Q. Time devoted to reading in communication is 16%

Q. Time devoted to writing in communication is 9%

Q. Global listening is also called as Extensive listening

Q. Discrete listening is also known as Intensive listening.

Q. Listening amusing a radio programme is Extensive listening.

Q. Dictation means a test for Writing

Q. Listening public announcement at bus station is a Intensive reading

Q. Intonation is the use of Tunes.

Q. Skimming is a type of Reading.

Q. Reading means Recognition and Comprehension

Q. Skimming means reading quickly to know what is it about.

Q. Scanning means reading quickly to know Specific piece of information.

Q. Which of the titles fits the text best is the example of Skimming

Q. In SQ, S stands for Survey.

Q. In 3R, R stands for Read, Recall, Review

Q. See the time table and tell the break time is the example of  Scanning.

Q. Reading the question paper in the examination hall is the example of Intensive reading.

Q. Novel reading is an example of Extensive Reading

Q. The ultimate result of scientific method is Development of knowledge.

Q. “State first law of motion” indicates Knowledge

Q. Community means people of different types around us

Q. A code of ethics is a: Set of standards of professional conduct.

Q. Communication is derived from Latin word Communis.

Q. The word ‘Moral’ has been derived from the language Latin.

Q. Values give rise to Ideals.

Q. The code, of ethics for teachers should include the values of: Justice, Truthfulness, Honesty

Q. Teaching comes in Professional of classification of work

Q. Among the stake holders of the teaching profession the client is Student.

Q. The best evidence of professional status of Enforcement of high standards.

Q. Real mentorship is created by having Professional relationship

Q. Teaching is a profession due to teachers Observance of professional ethics

Q. The emotional development of students has a great relation with Physical development.

Q. The most critical factor needed to make teaching a true profession is Discipline of its own     memebers.

Q. Teaching of tolerance is threshold of Peace.

Q. Secondary school teaching is more prestigious than elementary school teaching because of

1. Higher level of subject matter

2. Higher level of training

3. Higher pay scales

Q. Plato said “A sound mind can nourish in a sound Body’’

Q. As compared with the other professions, the greatest lack in teaching is Adequate salary       scales

Q. Physical health is necessary to build a balanced Personality.

Q. Teaching profession claims the largest membership

Q. The teaching professional should also be expert Social contact

Q. A teacher’s first duty is to his Students.

Q. As teacher we should think of our work in terms of Disciplining students.

Q. The function of a teacher is primarily that of a Guiding the children progress.

Q. The best position of a teacher in class is as Member of the group.

Q. In teaching if nothing has been learnt, nothing has been Taught.

Q. The basic function of a democratic teacher is Developing student leaders.

Q. The rules for the classroom should be established by the Students and teacher.

Q. The most important function of a teacher is Guide pupil growth.

Q. The least required duty of a teacher is Visiting homes of pupils.

Q. The students respect the teacher due to his Good will and personal integrity.

Q. One should select a career in terms of Values.

Q. The reason most often given by men for selecting teaching profession is:

       Desire to serve society

Q. As a group, teachers tend to be relatively Conservative.

Q. The most important single factor in teaching success is Teachers personality.

Q. Vital to teaching success is Pleasant voice and correct speech

Q. The most serious defect in teacher is Poor mental health.

Q. The relationship of teacher with students Friendly and dignified.

Q. Teachers are trained in:

1. General education

2. Subject matter

Q. The biggest weakness in teacher training programme is Lack of enough professional courses

Q. The greatest satisfaction of a good teacher with pupils is Social prestige.

Q. The most favorable factor in teaching is the Social work and recognition.

Q. “I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals” is the saying of:

      Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

Q. Education in Islam is Value Full.

Q. Punctuation means Marks in the sentences.