Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology


Q. The meaning of the word psychology is Study of soul.

Q. Psychology is the study of Human Behaviour.

Q. Psychology as a science evolved from other two scientific fields Physiology and Philosophy.

Q. Who was the first psychologist? Aristotle.

Q. Structuralism by Wihelm Wundant(German Professor): Analysis of components of consciousness.

Q. Functionalism by William James: According to this theory consciousness or experience cannot be broken into elements. There is no way to separate ideas, thoughts, sensations or perceptions.

Q. Behaviourism by John b Waston: Waston said that consciousness is absurd and cannot be proven scientifically. we should concentrate on the observable and measurable behaviour.

Q. Gestalty Psychology: According to this, the meaning of sensation or perception is always related to the total situation.

School of Psychoanalysis: Freud is the father of this school. Psychoanalysis is in terms of totality of human behaviour including conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious.

Q. Humanist Psychology:  Abraham Maslow is the most prominent psychologist of this theory. This approach emphasizes free will and freedom choice and man’s search for unique goals and values. It is a self-actualization.

Q. Transpersonal Psychology: This a latest approach to psychology. What we think and how we feel in an altered states of awareness is the subject of transpersonal psychology.

Q. Cognitive development means Mental Development.

Q. Which type of growth of child is important? 1. Mental    2. Physical    3. Moral.

Q. Growth means an increase in:   1. Size    2. Weight      3. Height

Q. Development means change in:  1. Structure   2. Form   3. Shape

Q. Approximately 150 years ago psychology was considered to be a branch of Philosophy.

Q. Knowledge originates through experience is called functionalism.

Q. According to Freud, much of our behaviour is controlled by unconscious desires.

Q. Among psychologists who recently received doctoral degrees in area of Clinical psychology nearly half of them were employed.

Q. In the area of Academic psychology would a professional be most interested in publishing their research in approved journals.

Q. The frustration aggression hypothesis states that frustration occurs when people feel blocked in obtaining their goals.

Q. The psychological school of thought that stressed the whole or complete view of a

situation was Gestalt.

Q. A social trap is a situation in which conflicting parties all try to win a conflict by engaging in

mutually destructive behaviours.

Q. The process of Adaptation in Piagetian Cognitive Development theory is Assimilation and Accommodation.

Q. The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during the Formal Operational Stage.

Q. According to Piaget, children in the concrete operational stage have difficulty with Deductive logic.

Q. According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the Sensorimotor stage.

Q. Piaget contended that the initial forms of thought are Early Action Schemes.

Q. Piaget’s concept of a scheme is a mental blueprint for an organized patter of action.

Q. When a child acquires the ability to represent the world internally through the use of symbols, he enters which of Piaget’s Cognitive stages of Sensorimotor.

Q. “Out of sight, out of mind” is the characteristics of Sensorimotor stage

Q. In cognitive domain infancy is the stage of Sensorimotor stage

Q. In the cognitive domain, Early child hood is Pre operational stage.

Q. The characteristics of pre operational stage are:   1. Geocentricism      2. Animism

Q. The National Curriculum was introduced in 1988.

Q. The Single National Curriculum was introduced August 2021.

Q. Aristotle most clearly rejected the idea that the mind is separable from the body.

Q. In the late 1800, the crucial element in understanding behaviour was not the conscious mind but the unconscious mind was posited by Sigmund Freud.

Q. Psycho-analysis, a school, thought in psychology was introduced by Freud.

Q. The view that to obtain true knowledge must be acquired through one of the senses is known as Empiricism.

Q. The cortex, thalamus, limbic system, basal ganglia make up Forebrain.

Q. The frontal lobes located behind forehead.

Q. The central part of the neuron is Cell body.

Q. The “controlling” part of the neuron Cell body.

Q. The blood vessels located under the Meninges.

Q. The functions of the temporal lobes is visual memory and hearing.

Q. The occipital lobes function is to control Vision.

Q. What is associated with the occipital lobes Visuospatial processing (recognition, perception, memory formation)

Q. Conservation of numbers is a skill likely to appear first.

Q. Memory Recall must rely on the active use of memory strategies.

Q. Amygdala is associated with fear & anger and emotions.

Q. The basic unit of the nervous system is Neuron

Q. Children begin to develop symbols to represent events or objects in the world during the Early Representational Thought substage of the sensorimotor stage.

Q. In this view, the design of God is demonstrated through looking at nature and the world design (theological) argument.

Q. The view that a single personal god exists Theism.

Q. The point, all powerful can do anything that is not logically contradictory Omnipotent.

Q. Soul theory of personal identity is the only one that doesn’t violate the principle of transitivity.

Q. Natural evil comes from everything but human intention and free-will.

Q. Memory theory of personal identity claims that you are just your memories.

Q. Jean Piaget was a Genetic Epistemologist.

Q. Assessment of the extent to which variations in infant temperatures are inborn would be of                                                  most direct interest to Behaviour geneticists.

Q. Heritability refers to the extent to which trait variations among individuals are attributable to their differing Genes.

Q. Piaget assumed that children are Active in constructing understanding of the world.

Q. There are Four stages of cognitive development are associated with Piaget.

Q. Cognitive development deals with Mind.

Q. Period starting from birth to two years in cognitive development is Sensorimotor stage

Q. Period starting from 2 till 7 years in cognitive is Pre operational stage.

Q. Period starting from 7 till 12 years in cognitive is Concrete operational stage.

Q. Period from 12 years and onward in cognitive is Formal operational stage.

Q. Child forgets the things out of sight in Sensorimotor stage

Q. Child describes himself unsystematically in Pre operational stage.

Q. Child thinks logically in Concrete operational stage.

Q. The Piagetian stage characterized by the ability to develop goal-directed behaviour, means                    end thinking and object permanence is Sensorimotor.

Q. The Piagetian stage characterized by the ability to use symbols and words to think, intuitive

     problem-solving, but thinking limited by rigidity, centration and egocentrism pre operations.

Q. Piagetian stage characterized by development of logical operations for seriation,

     classification, and conservation. Thinking is tied to real events and objects Concrete          Operations.

Q. Piagetian stage characterized by the development of abstract systems of thought that

allow them to use prepositional logic, scientific reasoning, and proportional reasoning.

 Formal Operations.

Q. According to Piaget, adaptation is the process of adjusting schemes in response to the

environment by means of Assimilation and Accommodation.

Q. According to Piaget, planned problem solving moves from trial and error to a planned approach at the end of Sensorimotor stage.

Q. Piaget found that children did not conscientiously use and follow rules until the age of 10-12.

Q. In Piaget’s theory, the term schemas concepts or frameworks around which people


Q. Abstract thinking is a defining characteristic of formal operational thinking.

Q. Evolutionary psychologists attribute the human tendency to fear snakes and heights to Genetic predispositions.

Q. A Schema is a Category of knowledge that allows us to interpret and understand the world

Q. Defining one’s identity in terms of one’s extended family or work group is most closely associated with Collectivism.

Q. Wilhelm Wundt was both a Physiologist and Philosopher.

Q. Introspection the Research method introduced by structuralists to identify basic elements of sensory experience.

Q. The Marxist approach is a Conflict theory.

Q.  Material deprivation is Lack of money for books, clothes, food.

Q. The term meritocracy means people achieving jobs via merit

Q. Edward Titchener used the research method Introspection.

Q. The early school of psychology that employed the method of introspection was known as structuralism.

Q. Edward Titchener was concerned primarily with the study of Sensory experiences.

Q. Functionalism is the school of psychology was most clearly concerned with the adaptive value of complex mental processes.

Q. Descartes emphasized that mental processes could exist independently of physical states.

Q. Guidance in education started in 1905.

Q. Who is considered the father of guidance Frank Parsons.

Q. First intelligence test was developed in 1905 by Binet.

Q. Compliance is a change in a person’s behaviour that occurs in response to a Direct request.

Q. The growth potential of healthy people was emphasized by Humanistic psychology.

Q. The importance of inherited behavioural traits was most clearly highlighted by Darwin.

Q. Which perspective is understanding the linkages between hormone levels and sexual motivation is Neuroscience.

Q. It is the brain’s plasticity which refers to its ability to grow and change.

Q. A mental grouping of similar objects, events, and people is called a Concept.

Q. When people are presented with too many conflicting frames, they cannot make a

decision at all. This avoidance is called Decision Aversion.

Q. Who was the functionalist who authored a textbook for the emerging discipline of

Psychology James.

Q. Ivan Pavlov pioneered the study of Learning.

Q. Compared structuralists early behaviourists were much less likely to focus on the study of      Thinking.

Q.  Assessing the impact of different management styles on the motivation and productivity of

employees is a concern of Organizational Psychology.

Q. Cognitive would be most relevant perspective to understanding the role of long-term memory of information.

Q. Personnel psychology is one of the main subfields of Organizational psychology.

Q. Within the human embryo, activity related to the development of hair and nails is centred in the Ectoderm.

Q. Watson said “Give me a child till that child is five years old, I will make of him any type of professional you want.

Q. For best research control of genetic factors Identical Twins should be used in experimentation.

Q. During the pregnancy at the eighth week, the developing child can be

accurately referred to as the Embryo.

Q. Any agent that can cause a birth defect is known as Teratogen.

Q. The term congenital means present at birth.

Q. Fertilization of human eggs normally takes place in the Cervix.

Q. After conception, a fertilized egg is known as Zygote.

Q. Maturation is a continuing function of heredity after birth.

Q. The Neonate has well-developed Auditory acuteness.

Q. The newborn vocalizes socially

Q. The usual stages children progress through are known as developmental norms.

Q. We have to be aware of developmental norms to be able to select suitable toys/resources.

Q. Mnemonic strategies are: 1. Intentional 2. Goal-oriented 3. utilization deficiency

Q. The ability to draw a logical inference based on the relationship between two statements or

premises is known as Propositional Logic.

Q. The word cognitive means a Mental processes

Q.  Many of our traits are strongly influenced by biological factors. This is a Behaviour genetics theory.

Q. The factor affecting cognitive development may be: 1. Teacher expectations  2. Home Environment  3.  Student social class.

Q. Functionalism was most concerned with the adaptive importance of mental processes.

Q. All children reach developmental milestones at roughly the same time, and the process is    Smooth and Continues.

Q. Motor skills development normally occurs in Head to toe patterns.

Q. Hearing is the first sense to develop fully in children.

Q. Dumbfounding is a moral dilemma in which no clear indication of “right” and

“wrong” is given left them try as per their own rational explanation.

Q. According to Vygotsky, young children use Private speech mechanism to turn shared knowledge into their personal knowledge

Q. The average two-year-old know 50 words to say.

Q. The link between what the teacher wants students to learn and students’ actual learning is

called Instruction.

Q. The correlational study is perhaps the most frequently used in the field of educational


Q. Teenagers in the formal operational stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development may get involved in hypothetical  thinking.

Q. A survey is an example of descriptive research.

Q. The smallest unit of meaning in a language is called a Morpheme.

Q. Developmental psychologists use descriptive research extensively.

Q. The ability to process information and act accordingly is called Fluid Intelligence.

Q. The mental ability derived from previous experience is called Crystallized Intelligence.

Q. The belief that people should accept the word of an authority figure without questioning of

debating that word is called dogmatism.

Q. Using blind observer is a technique that a researcher can use to avoid the observer bias effect when engaging in naturalistic observation.

Q. The Neural component of intelligence may not be as closely related to a brain’s size.

Q. The best synonym for the term validity is Accuracy.

Q. Keeping a participant ignorant of the purpose of the study in which they are taking part is one way to help reduce the subject-expectancy effect in research.

Q. To give research participants a verbal description of the nature and purpose of a study after

the research has been done is called Debriefing.

Q. The Psychological Refractory period is a moment when the brain is processing one

stimulus and it is temporarily unable to process a second stimulus.

Q. Perception is a process through which a person understands and categorizes the behaviour of others.

Q. Body theory of personal identity claims that you are just your physical matter, nothing else.

Q. A Schema is a set of ideas of beliefs that leads a person to perceive others in a way that conforms to that person’s expectations.

Q. Research into Social Cognition focuses on the underlying processes, such as attention and

memory, which make social behaviour possible.

Q. Mentalizing is a person’s understanding that his or her behaviour that reflects a

person’s mental state.

Q. Mirror neurons help us in mentalizing both in the situation when we perform an action and when we see others performing that same action.

Q. While the sequence in which motor skills develops is generally universal but timing is different from child to child.

Q. Socialization is the process through which a person shapes his or her behavioural patterns according to the environment in which he lives.

Q. The term attachment was developed by Psychologist Carol Gilligan.

Q. The appearance of Stranger Anxiety shows up at around 8 months of age.

Q. Stranger Anxiety is an indication that a child’s attachment to his or her primary caregiver is getting stronger.

Q. The process of practicing Self-discipline is a concept given by Lev Vygotsky as Self-regulation that helps children develop.

Q. Psychologist Carl Jung believed that we do not establish a sense of Self until we reach Adolescence.

Q. Kohlberg’s theory state that we tend to enter the conventional level of moral reasoning in Early adolescence.

Q. Face to face relationship in which one tries to solve the problem of the other is called Guidance.

Q. Age of pre operational stage in Piagetian cognitive Development theory is from 2 to7 years

Q. Laws of learning were founded by Pavlov.

Q. The psychologist who said that most of the fears of human beings are conditionally learned is Waston.

Q. The processes of growth and development are Continuous.

Q. The study of Psychology is most concerned with which field of Scientific inquiry.

Q. Endeavors to explain, predict/control phenomena are the goal of the scientific method.

Q. The scientific method is preferred over others because it is more 1. Reliable 2.  Accurate 3. Systematic.

Q. Joseph Mayer Rice is considered the father of research on Teaching.

Q. Edward Tolman is one of the founders of is considered the father of Cognitive Psychology

Q. A behavioural psychologist is interested in behaviour that can be observed.

Q. The method of studying development using groups of people that vary

age and are measured at the same time is called longitudinal study.

Q. The life history method is a Longitudinal Method.

Q. introspection is no longer considered a scientific method appropriate for Psychology.

Q. The purpose of “Q-technique” is to measure a person’s opinion of himself.

Abraham Maslow is a chief proponent of the Humanist school of human behaviour.

Q. In psychology, the concept of motivation was first described in terms of Instinctive Behaviour. This concept was based on Darwin Theory.

Q. A research design which contains features of both between-subject and within-subject designs is Factorial design.

Q. The child as a Tabula Rasa was first introduced by Locke.

Q.  John B. Watson insisted that psychology be restricted to observable behaviour.

Q. A verifiable scientific finding is one that can be proven replicated with the same result.

Q. Piaget proposed his Cognitive theory

Q. Kohlberg proposed his Introspection theory

Q. Freud proposed his Psychosexual theory

Q. Erikson proposed his Psychosocial theory

Q. In the Survey research a representative sample of people asked to answer questions

about their self.

Q. The survey method is most commonly used in Correlational studies

Q. Kohlberg indicates that at the most primitive level of moral development, morality is decided by Reward and Punishment.

Q. In a psychological experiment, the factor that may be influenced by the manipulated

experimental treatment is called the Dependent Variable.

Q. An experimental psychology lab was first established in 1879 by William James.

Q. An average 10 month’s old infant will most likely exhibit Stranger Anxiety

Q. Arnold Gesell most stressed the importance of Maturation in development.

Q. Extensive studies regarding child behaviour have been made by Arnold, Erickson, & Piaget.

Q. Experiments with children have suggested that the point at which a child begins to walk is

primarily a function of Maturation.

Q. The first Two years after birth are critical to’ self-concept formation.

Q. Which of the following is commonly referred to as the father of developmental psychology G. Stanley Hall.

Q. A change in the structure of a gene that leads to minor of major changes in an organism’s

physical constitution is a Mutation.

Q. The children’s game of “peek-a-boo centres around the  developmental

Concepts of object permanence.

Q. Developmentally, Meiosis refers to reduction division.

Q. The process of interpreting new information in terms of an existing Schema is termed Assimilation.

Q. According to Erikson, the central crisis of adolescence is Identity vs Confusion.———-Erikson

Q. DNA refers to the molecular configuration making up Chromosomes.

Q. According to Erikson’s developmental theory, the maturity stage deals with which of the following crises Integrity vs Despair.

Q. Identical twins raised separately and found to have similar IQs are cited as examples of the

contribution this IQ by Heredity.

Q. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, internalizing of action schemes is the major task

of the Sensorimotor stage.

Q. Social stratification is the ranking or grading of individuals and groups into hierarchical layers.

Q. Genotype: Phenotype : heredity: appearance

Q. According to Kohlberg, an individual in a stage of conventional morality would be most concerned with Gaining approval.

Q. The important role  in moral development is of  1. Teachers 2. Parents 3. Peers

Q. Emotional development is affected by: 1. Quarrelling parents  2. Fear  3. Restrictions

Q. Permanent change in behaviour as a result of is Learning.

Q. According to behaviourism, Environment is important for change in behaviour.

Q. Stimulus is necessary for Classical conditioning.

Q. Operant conditioning was presented by Skinner.

Q. Change in behaviour is due to reinforcement in Operant conditioning

Q. Punishment is not positive reinforcement?

Q. Concept of Meaningful learning through perception was presented by Pavlov.

Q. Concept of meaningful learning through structure of content and discovery was presented by Brunner.

Q. How many stages of cognitive development described by Jean Piaget are 4.

Q. According to Roger, in problem solving the most important is Client.

Q. The founder of Humanistic Approach is Maslow.

Q. The founder of client centred therapy was Carl Roger.

Q.  Gordon discriminates the personality characteristics.

Q. The IQ of average child is 90-110.

Q. The IQ of mentally retarded child is Below 90.

Q. Who says “Man is a conscious animal“?  Said William Wundt and William James.

Q. Stern formula to determine I.Q is M.A/C A x100

Q. In cognitive development, Late childhood is Concrete operational stage

Q. In cognitive development, Adolescence is beginning of Formal operational stage.

The characteristic of sensory motor stage are:

1. Evidence of thinking ability

2. Curiosity to know environment

3. Ability to differentiate things

Q. The formula to determine I.Q is given by Stern.

Q. Who developed the first intelligence test Binet.

Q. Guidance is helpful in?

1. Making choices

2. Making adjustments

3. Solving problem

Q.  Carl Rogers presented Person centred counselling.

Q. The IQ of the gifted children is 140 and Above.

Q. Cognitive learning theory is known as Information processing theory.

Q. Law of learning associated with Reinforcement in Operant conditioning are:

1. Law of readiness

2. Law of exercise

3. Law of effect

Q. Interest, attitudes, appreciation, skills and achievements are primarily the product of Learning.

Q. Founder of the Intelligence Tests was Binet.

Q. Which is basic emotion fear.

Q. The ability to think in novel and unusual ways is called creativity

Q. Piaget presented the theory of Cognitive development.

Q. Model of eight types of learning was designed by Gagne.

Q. The process of helping individual make life adjustment at any phases of life is called Guidance.

Q. Hierarchy of needs was presented by Maslow.

Q. At which stage of cognitive development the child develops object permanence Concrete operational.

Q. The pioneer of identifying individual differences was Francis Galton.

Q. Which is the basic Emotion Love and Fear.

Q. Founder of Socio-Psychological development was Erikson.

Q. Another name of working memory is Short term memory

Q. What schools were in the Tripartite System?

 Ans. Grammar, Technical, Secondary,  Modern

Q. Name of three Marxist Sociologists of education are: Althusser, Bowles, Gintis

Q. Bernstein established there were 2 types of linguistic code, they were Elaborate and Restricted code.

Q. Sociologists who studied the self-fulfilling prophecy theory are Rosenthal and Jacobson.

Q. What type of school charges fees? Private Schools.

Q. Translation of concrete experiences, development of logical thinking is given by Piaget.

Q. Theory of Self actualization and Sense of identity was presented by Maslow.

Q. Perception and attention play major role in Long term memory.

Q. Logical thinking according to Jean Piaget starts at the stages of Concrete operational.

Q. Experiments on learning by insight were performed by Kohler.

Q. The individual in the group directing and coordinating is Supervisor.

Q. What teaches students to accept authority and hierarchy The hidden curriculum.

Q. The Streaming is where your put students into a form for all subjects according to ability

Q. The Setting is Put students into individual groups according to ability

Q. The Education Act 1988 introduced National testing

Q. The Education Act 1988 set up age for tests are: 7,11,14

Q. LMS stand for Local Management of Schools.

Q. The primary socialization is where parents teach their children norms and values

Q. Marxism is a Conflict theory.

Q. A vocational subject Where you study a subject that is related to a specific job.

Q. According to J.W.B. Douglas’s study the class deprived of parental support is Working class

Q. DfEE stand for  Department for education and employment.

Q. Celia Wright carried out a study on ethnicity in schools.

Q. Which ethnic groups do much worse at school than others? Pakistani and Bangladeshi males

each of the above

Q. Davis and Moore believe the role of education is to ensure the right people get the right jobs

Q. The interactionalists who invented the labelling theory Becker and Rist.

Q. The personalities more likely to succeed in education are intelligent and attentive.

Q. At GCSE level girl groups tend to do better on their own  than boys.

Q. The first sociologist to produce a Marxist theory was Karl Marx.

Q. In 1944 there was an act set up which stated that every child would receive a secondary education this act called The Butler Act.

Q. Sociology is the scientific study of social interaction and organization opposed to practical – matters.

Q. Auguste Comte coined the term “sociology” and is considered the “founder” of sociology.

Q. The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the “survival of the fittest” to society is called social Darwinism

Q. One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be successful in

society. This is an example of manifest function.

Q. Two basic types of economic systems distinguish contemporary industrial societies Capitalism and Socialism.

Q. Socialist theory was defined in the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Q. The example of ecclesia are:  1. Catholic church in Spain   2.  Buddhism in Thailand  3. Islam in Saudi Arabia

Q. The most basic manifest function of education is transmitting knowledge.

Q. The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with interactionist perspective.

Q. The first step in any sociological research project is to define the problem.

Q. The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist William Graham Sumner.

Q. In a sense, xenocentrism is a reverse form of ethnocentrism

Q. Behaviour that a considerable number of people view as reprehensible and intolerable is called deviance.

Q. Deviance is dysfunctional in that it can impair and undermine organized social life.

Q. In their study of deviance, control theory advocates ask that why are people not deviant.