Research in education

Research in education

Q. The type of-research by purpose are:

1. Basic Research

2. Applied Research

3. Action Research

Q. The type of-research by method are:

1. Qualitative research

2. Quantitative research

3. Experimental research

4. Mixed method research

Q. The Basic Research concerned with development of theories.

Q. The Applied Research concerned with the use or testing of theories.

Q. The research involved in explaining events of the past is called Historical Research.

Q. The Descriptive Research concerned with current status of the subject of study :

Q. The research concerned with classroom problem is Action Research.

Q. The effect of independent variable on dependent variable is studied in Experimental Research.

Q. Randomly formed groups is a characteristic of Experimental Research.

Q. Cause and effect relationship is established Experimental Research

Q. Control group is a characteristic of Experimental Research

Q. Data is collected through questionnaire, interview or observation in Descriptive Research.

Q. Development and testing of hypothesis is necessary in Quantitative Research.

Q. A tentative explanation of a phenomenon is Hypothesis.

Q. The important characteristic of a research problem are

      1. Novel       2. Researchable        3. Significant

Q. Hypothesis which states no relationship, between two variables is called Null/Statistical Hypothesis

Q. Pre-testing the instrument to detect weakness is Pilot testing.

Q. Hypothesis which states relationship between two variables is Research hypothesis

Q. The Mid-Point of scores called Median

Q. The group selected for the purpose of research is Population.

Q. The representative group selected via specific procedure from population is sample.

 Q. The score that is attained by more subject than any other score is Mode

Q. The scientific procedure used to select a representative group from population is Sampling.

Q. The minimum

Q. Sampling in which all individuals have equal chance of selection is Random Sampling.

Q. Representation of same proportion of individuals in a sample as they exist in population is Stratified Sampling

Q. The sampling in which group rather than individuals are selected is Cluster Sampling.

Q. The sampling in which individuals are selected from a list at specific interval or sequence is Systematic Sampling.

Q. The Arithmetic average of the scores is called Mean

Q. The Mean of the scores 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is 3.

Q. The Median of the scores 11, 14, 5, 7, 8, 18, 15, 10 is 11.

Q. The Mode of the scores 4, 1, 6, 43, 4, 4, 5, 6, 3 is 4.

Q.  How many parts has a research report is 3.

Q.  First part of research report is Preliminary Pages.

Q. The middle part of research report is Main body

Q.  Last portion of the research report is Appendices.

Q. Basis of Experimental research is Hypothesis.

Q. Questions about attitudes and behaviours should be first in a questionnaire or interview.

Q. When the results of a test are found not to be significant, the experimental hypothesis is rejected

Q. In normal distribution, the distribution is bell-shaped

Q. In normal distribution, the distribution is symmetrical about the mean

Q. In normal distribution, the median and mode have the same value

as the mean

Q. The Open-ended question used when the researcher is just starting to explore

what people think about a particular topic.?

Q. Focus group is most likely to yield qualitative data.

Q. The strength of relationship is indicated by the magnitude of the correlation coefficient.

Q. The direction of relationship is indicated by the sign of the correlation coefficient.

Q. The likelihood of the relationship arising just by chance is indicated by the significance of the

correlation coefficient

Q. The invisible college a Informal communications among people who

share a common interest

Q. In Scholarly Journals you would most likely find formal research reports

Q.  Plagiary is not a step of the scientific method.

Q. Experiment, Hypothesis and Conclusion are the scientific steps.

Q. Disorganized, organized and control are associated with the scientific method but no Data

Q. The possible answer to the problem is Hypothesis.

Q. The actual answer to the problem is conclusion.

Q. A control group is used as a comparison to the group where things (variables) are changing

Q. The step of the Scientific Method where do you ask a question is Problem.

Q. The step of the Scientific Method where do you go to the library or ask an expert is Information

Q. The independent variable that you change in the experiment is also called the manipulated variable

Q. The dependent variable that changes because you changed the other variable. Also called the responding variable.

Q. The group in the experiment that does not get the variable is called the Control group.

Q. The variables in the experiment that do not change are called the Controlled variable.

Q. Recorded observations and measurements are called Data.

Q. The conclusion is based on the results of the Experiment

Q.  The Qualitative research is an idea to holistic account of a phenomenon or social problem.

Q. Sometimes Case study design is used as an exploratory study in which no hypothesis is


Q. Case study research design asks the questions isthere a relationship between tow variables in a scenario.

Q. Scientific theories are based on large amounts of data collected over time

Q. Scientific theories an important part of research because Scientific theories allow scientists to make assumptions

Q. The difference between laws and theories is Laws describe phenomena, while theories

explain why phenomena exist

Q. Something is logically impossible if it violates a law of science.

Q. The criterion of conservatism is a measure of how well a theory fits with existing


Q. Scientific inquiry begins with to solve a problem or to answer a question.

Q. The approach to qualitative research in which the researchers intend to generate a theory that is based on data systematically gathered and analysed is call Phenomenology.

Q. Conclusions from qualitative research are less certain than from quantitative research

Q. Researchers study just one individual, classroom, school, or program in case study approach to qualitative research.

Q. Researchers who study various reactions or perceptions of a particular phenomenon take Phenomenology approach to qualitative research.

Q. Historical research focuses primarily on past materials and events.

Q. Historical research facilitates prediction of the effects of policy

Q. Historical research can be used to test hypotheses about relationships or trends.

Q. A legal record is best classified as a source other than a relic.

Q. A researcher uses Internal criticism to verify that the contents of a document are accurate.

Q. When a researcher uses a tape of legend from a Tribal elder as a source of data, he is using a

data source known as an Oral statement.

Q. Essential steps in historical research are 

1. Defining the problem

2. Searching for relevant source material

3. Interpreting information

Q. Data analysis in qualitative research, as contrasted with quantitative research, is generally Inductive rather than deductive.

Q. In the data analysis section the researcher discusses how the data will be collected?

Q. Census data is best described as which kind-of historical source material Numerical record

Q. Normally, the final section of a report is the offering of some suggestions for Further research.

Q. Participants in an experiment are often kept blind about the condition to which they have been assigned. This will help to distort Demand characteristics.

Q. The main advantage of an experimental study, in contrast to a correlational study, is that an

experiment is More likely to demonstrate cause-and-effect.

Q. Ethical standards for the treatment of participants have been established by the APA

Q. APA “American Psychological Association

Q. A falsifiable theory is one that makes clear, easily testable predictions.

Q. A research report communicates what was actually done in a study and what was resulted.

Q. After the experiment, the researcher would be most confident in making statements about cause and effect.

Q. A falsifiable theory makes clear, unambiguous predictions.

Q. Falsifiability is considered a desirable characteristic for a scientific theory because a

falsifiable theory makes clear, testable predictions.

Q. Systematic sampling technique is used if you ask every third person walking in the hall about his will.

Q. The study double-blind would an experimenter use if he was concerned about

demand characteristics.

Q.  The main difference between a correlational study and an experiment is that the investigator manipulates the independent variable.

Q. The question, “Do you think that the dramas should I have less violence and fewer bold scenes is considered Double barrelled.

Q. Replicability is a highly desirable feature of a scientific study.

Q. The advantage of the experimental method as opposed to correlational studies is that an

experiment can lead to the discovery of cause-and-effect relationships

Q. Before conducting any experiment on humans, a psychological investigator must obtain

demand characteristics Informed consent.

Q. In an experiment, the researcher manipulates the independent variable and measures changes in the dependent variable

Q. A selection process that ensures that each individual has an equal chance of being selected

is called random sampling.

Q.  If we were to classify our quiz respondents according to whether they were taking

psychology at AS level or A2. then this would involve measurement on a nominal

scale of measurement.

Q. Researchers use Descriptive summarize and present their data.

Q. If a visual presentation might include a Frequency histogram

Q. The experimental design used in this study is independent samples


Q. If one or two people gave very high scores in relation to the rest of the group, median would be most representative in central tendency measure.

 Q. Action Research conducted by teachers, counsellors and other researchers to answers the questions to solve the local problems

Q. We should trust research findings after different researchers have found the same


Q. The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge typically is built from Basic research.

Q. Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises.

Q. Replication Research that is done to examine the findings of someone else using the “same variables but different people” is which of the following?

Q. Knowledge comes from experience, is the idea Empiricism

Q. Parsimonious is not a characteristic of a good theory or explanation?

Q. In orientational research is focused on collecting information to help a researcher

advance an ideological or political position?

Q. Scientific method “Inductive” follows these steps: Observation/data to patterns then to theory.

Q. Rene Descartes is associated with Rationalism approached to knowledge generation

Q. Scientific method Deductive is a top-down or confirmatory approach.

Q. Scientific method Inductive is generative approach to research?

Q. Deductive method focuses on testing hypotheses developed from theories.

Q. Inductive method generating new hypotheses and theories?

Q. Simply, theory means “explanation”

Q. Mapping a topic is to narrow the topic.

Q. One wish to make a precise estimate about the characteristics of a population of individuals, one should use Probability sampling

Q. Statistics is a useful tool for Research

Q. Research is a necessary tool for Progress.

Q. Research is systematic Investigation

Q. Applied research is usually called as Scientific research.

Q. Action research uses pupils as Subject.

Q. Action research is conducted by the Teachers.

Q. Causal-comparative research and experimental research are similar in that both involve group comparisons.

Q. Matching subjects in the groups is a method for controlling the subject characteristics threat in causal-comparative research.

Q. Causal-comparative research is a type of intervention research.

Q. The primary threat to internal validity in causal-comparative studies is Subject characteristics

Q. In causal-comparative research, investigators attempt to determine the causes or consequences of differences that already exist between or among groups of individuals

Q. The number of people who complete a survey in relation to the number of people contacted to participate is called the Response rate.

Q. Educational researchers ultimately want the answer to a research question to pertain to the

Sample target population.

Q. One weakness of causal-comparative research is that it is inability to manipulate the independent variable.

Q. The ability to use existing facts to derive new information is known as Logic

Q. A defining characteristic of studies that use the scientific method is that the research procedures and outcomes must be public.

Q. A characteristic of the scientific method is that conclusions are tentative and subject to change

Q. When every member of the accessible population has an equal chance of being selected to

participate in the study, the researcher is using random selection.

Q. If a researcher selected five schools at random and then interviewed each of the teachers in

those five schools, the researcher used Cluster random sampling.

Q. Single-subject research is classified under the general research type of intervention research.

Q. Reference Books contain factual information.

Q. Action research is intended to be carried out by any professional, in any type of school, to investigate a problem.

Q. Action research the findings are limited in their generalizability.

Q. Causal-comparative is intended to determine the cause for or the consequences of differences between groups of people.

Q. When a researcher is interested in knowing more than just how well or how accurately something is done, it is Qualitative research.

Q. Convenience sampling is an example of a non-random sampling method.

Q. Population generalizability refers to the degree to which a sample represents the population of interest.

Q. The degree to which results of a study can be extended to other settings or conditions describes ecological generalizability.

Q. A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches is known as mixed methods of research .

Q. The variable that is predicted in a prediction study is the Criterion variable.

Q. The method of analysis that uses several variables to predict the category a participant

belongs in is called Discriminant function analysis.

Q. The research question of a research proposal must be made clear because this particular subject is important to investigate.

Q. In definition of terms of a research proposal must researchers state the particular question to be investigated.

Q. The variable that is used to make the prediction is called Predictor variable.

Q. The variable about which the prediction is made is called a Criterion variable.

Q. A survey given to elementary school faculty in five school districts is a cross- sectional survey.

Q. A researcher who uses follow-up surveys of a sample from a graduating class at 10 year

intervals is conducting a Panel study.

Q. When the researcher surveys the same sample of individuals at different times during the

Course of survey, is called Panel study.

Q. Suppose that a researcher obtains teacher and student attendance rates from every high

school in a province. The unit of analysis is in this study is a School.

Q. Discussion of internal validity is found in which section of a research proposal Procedures.

Q. Cohort study selects different samples from the same population whose members do not change over the course of the study.