Introduction to Education

Introduction to Education

Q. Education is derived from

A. Four Latin words

Q. Educare means

A. to raise, to bring up, to nourish

Q. Educatum means

A. to train, to teach

Q. Educo mens

A. to draw out, to lead out

Q. Educere means?

A. To draw out, to draw out

Q. Education is process which and by which the knowledge character and behaviour of the young are shaped and moulded this is said by

A. James Drever

Q. Education is derived from a Latin word?

A. Educere

Q. “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body” is the saying of?

A. Aristotle

Q. The best definition of education is that it is?

A. Growth resulting from experiences

Education accoding to john dewey is?

A. Learning to do by doing

Q. Which of the following is not the characteristic of education?

A. Factual absorption

Q. The basic source of educational objectives is?

A. Human experience

Q. According to Crow and Crow the purpose of

formal education is to?

A. Make students active and constructive

Q. Determining the aim of education is the

responsibility of?

A. Society

Q. The real goal of education

A. Acquiring skills habits and knowledge

Q. Education planned with a particular end in view is?

A. Formal education

Q. Non-formal education

A. Flexible rules of entry and exit

Formal Education has

A. Rigid rules of entry and exit

Q .Education is not pre-planned in?

A. Informal education

Q. Informal education is?

A. Lifelong

Q. Sources of informal education are

1. Family

2. Press

3. Tour

Q. What is the most important non formal education?

A. Media

Q. The education confined to educational institution is?

A. Formal education

Q. Education is imparted mostly by correspondence in?

A. Non formal education

Q. Informal education is?

A. Life long

Q. Informal Education is?

A. Incidental

Q. Source of formal education?

A. School, College, University

Q. Formal education has well defined?

A. Curriculum

Q. Which is not the element of educational process?

A. Motivation

Q. The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is?

A. Curriculum

Q. Pedagogy is concerned with?

A. Teaching Methods

Q. To determine the value or worth of anything is?

A. Evaluation

Q. In education process which one is evaluated?

A. Aim, Content, Knowledge, Mehtods

Q. Ontology deals with?

A. Reality and (called Metaphysics)

A. Metaphysics deals with the nature of reality.

Q. The literal meaning of philosophy is?

A. Love of wisdom

Q. Axiology in philosophy deals with?

A. Values, Ehic, aestheticss

Q. Epistemology deals with?

A. Knowledge

Q. They are among perennialism?

A. Bentock, Hutchins, Adler

Q. Essentialists stress on

A. Mental discipline

Q. According to perennialism real is?

A. Reality

School should be run on democratic lines is held

b. Progressivism

Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from?

A. Different philosophies

Q. “Everlasting reality is focused in?

A. Perennialism, old values

Q. Useful culture and skill is emphasized in?

A. Essentialism, Great Books, Traditions

Q. Life is coutinuous changing process is the best?

A. Progressivism

Q. “Reforms are necessary in all walks of life” is

focused in?

A. Reconstructionism

Q. Study of great books is at the core of? Traditions

A. Essentialism, Traditions

Q. Experimental knowledge is real in

A. Progressivism

Q. Education is life itself

A. Progressivism

Q. Ethic and aesthetics are components of?

A. Axiology

Q. Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on?

A. Practical education

Q. The curriculum will be child centered if teacher is?

A. Progressivist

Q. Learning should be directly of the child according to?

A. Progressivism

Q. Essentialists would get aim of education


A. Traditions

Q. Essentialist philosophy of education is?

A. Content and teacher centered

Q. Essentialist stress on?

A. Mental discipline

Q. According to which philosophy permanence is

more real than change?

A. Perennialism

Q. Perennialism is an educational philosophy of?

A. Old Values

Q. Everlasting Reality is focused in

A. Perennialism

Q. The objective of education comes from?

A. Philosophy

Q. Sociological aims of education includes?

A. Skills

Q. The application of philosophy in education may be?

A. Selection of objectives

Q. Philosophy and education are two sides of a coin according to?

A. Ross

Q. An important question of philosophy is?

A. What is universe

Q. To seek truth and reality is the subject of?

A. Philosophy

Q. Every system of education is based on?

A. Ideology of nation

Q. Word philosophy is derived from?

A. Philo and Sophia

Q. Out comes expected from education are

referred as?

A. Aims

Q. As a science of wisdom philosophy aims at?A. Search for reality

Q. The first head of the Deoband was?

A. Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi

Q. The Deoband academy was totally?

A. Non-government

Q. The Deoband movement used curriculum

revision as?

A. Motive

Q. The Ulma of Deobond played a vital role in?

A. Struggle for independence

Q. The Deoband was established in?

A. 1867

Q. The salient features of Deoband movement was?

A. Revival of religious spirit

Q. The Deoband movement ignored?

A. Science

Q. M.A.O High school was established in?

A. 1875

Q. M.A.O High school was given the rank of college in?

A. 1877

Q. Scientific society was established by?

A. Sir syed Ahmad Khan in 1863

Q. M.A.O college was upgraded to university in?

A. 1920

Q. The major impact of the Aligarh movement was?

A. Political training

Q. The major objective of Aligarh movement was to promote?

A. Scientific look

Q. Purposes of Aligarh movement were?

1. To reduce hatred towards British,

2. To prepose Muslims to learn English

3.To learn science

Q. Jamia Millia Islamia was established on?

A. 1930

Q. Jamia Millia Islamia was established by?

A. Moulana M. Ali Johar

Q. Medium of instruction in Jamia Millia was?

A. Urdu

Q. In jamia millia, the translation of Holy Quran was taught as?

A. Stage 1

Q. Jamia Millia could not became popular among

Muslims due to its opposition to?

A. Two Nation Theory

Q. Jamia Millia emphasized on?

A. Religious education and Science

Q. Anjuman Himaiyat-e-Islam was established in?

A. Lahore in 1882

Q. The founder of Anjuman Himaiyat-e-Islam was?

A. Khalifa Hamid-ud-Din

Q. Nadvat-ul-ulema was established on?

A. 1894 in Luckhnaw By Maulana Shibli Naumani

Q. The first adminstrator of Nadvat-ul-Ulema was?

A. Molana M. Ali Mangheri

Q. Education conference 1947 was held in?

D. Karachi

Education conference 1947 was presided by?

B. Fazal ur Rehman

Q. Objectives of education under education

conference 1947 were?

1. Conformity with Ideology of life

2. Economic development

3. Character formation

Q. According to the recommendations of Indian

Education Commission, Govt. took the

responsibility of?

A. Primary education

Q. Council of Technical Education was recommended to establish under?

A. Education conference 1947

Q. National Education Commission 1954 was established under the headship of?

A. C.S.M Sharif

Q. Objectives of education under National

Education Commission 1954 were?

1. Spiritual values

2. Ideology of Pakistan

3. Development of individuality

Q. Text Book Board was recommended to establish under?

A. National Education commission 1954

Q. National Education Policy 1970 was headed by?

A. Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

Q. Private educational institutions were Nationalized under?

A. National education policy 1970

Q. Under National Education Policy 1972, free education was recommended upto class?

A. 10

Q. The data of education comprises four features

among them we include

A. child, heredity, environment

Q. Characteristics of education are

1. life-long process

2. dynamic process

3. individual development.

Q. Education is a bi-polar process, who said it.

A. John Adam/

Q. “There is constant interaction between the teacher and the taught”.

A. Bi-polar process, (Bi-polar theory)

Q. Tripolar theory includes?

A. Teacher, Taught and Economic environment

Q. Who proposed tri-polar process of education

A. J.E. Adamson/

Q. Education is said to be a direct proofs when the teacher and the taught are in direct contract.(Formal Education).

It becomes indirect when pupils receive education.

A. Informally OR at a distance

Q. Non-formal education is the only means of filling the gap between the schooled and unschooled population. Said by

A. Harbuism

Q. Characteristics of non-formal education are.

1. Open system

2. Life-long process

3. Means of filling gap

Sources of non-formal education are

1. Distance education

2. Radio-broadcast

3. Public Library

Q. The main function of education to?

A. Prepare and develop child for future life

Definitions of eduaction by some prominant educationists


1. Education is a creation of sound mind in a sound body.

2. Education is an art.

3. Education is Key for society.

 4. Education develops man’s faculty especially his mind so that he may enjoy the inspection of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists.


Education refers to discover the universal principals of truth, beauty and goodness which governs human conduct.


Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the pupil all the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of.


Education is that which fits a man to perform justly, skillfully and selflessly all the offices both public and private in peace and war.

John Dewey:

Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which enable him to control his environment and fulfil his possibilities.

Edward Thring:

Education is the transmission of life by the living to the living.